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Andres Funding Letter, November 9, 2015



New Workforce and Revitalization Resources Announced

The White House Reports that the Administration has announced over $14 million for partnerships in 12 states intended to leverage a range of economic development programs to assist communities negatively impacted by changes in the coal industry.

EPA Announces New RFP for FY16 Brownfield Grants

The US EPA announced a new request for proposals for FY16 brownfield assessment, revolving loan fund, and clean up grant guidelines. The proposal submission deadline is December 18, 2015.

Funding and Design Assistance Available for Rural Communities: CIRD Issues Request for Proposals

The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design (CIRD) has issued a request for proposals to rural communities interested in applying for funding to host a community design workshop in either 2016 or 2017. The deadline for submitting a proposal is Tuesday January 12, 2016 at 11:00 PM EST. Successful applicants will receive a $10,000 stipend (that must be matched one-to-one) in addition to in-kind professional design expertise and technical assistance valued at $35,000. The Request for Proposals is posted on the CIRD website. Selected communities will be announced in March of 2016 and workshops will be held during the fall of 2016 through spring of 2017. Register for the Pre-Application Conference Calls. Read the full Request for Proposals.


Chris' Funding Letter October 30, 2015


FY 2016 Economic Development Assistance Programs - Application submission and program requirements for EDA’s Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs.

Under this Federal Funding Opportunity, Economic Development Administration (EDA) solicits applications from applicants in rural and urban areas to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive- merit-basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. View the EDA Funding Notice.

AmeriCorps State and National Grants FY 2016

AmeriCorps grants are awarded to eligible organizations proposing to engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions to strengthen communities. An AmeriCorps member is an individual who engages in community service through an approved national service position. Members may receive a living allowance and other benefits while serving. Upon successful completion of their service, members earn a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award from the National Service Trust that members can use to pay for higher education expenses or apply to qualified student loans. Grant awards have two components: operating funds and AmeriCorps member positions. Grant award amounts vary – both in the level of operating funds and in the type and amount of AmeriCorps member positions. Unless otherwise specified, the grant generally covers a three-year project period. In approving a multi-year project period, CNCS generally makes an initial award for the first year of operation. In most cases, the application is submitted with a one-year budget. Continuation funding is not guaranteed. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.-7508.

View the AmeriCorps Funding Notice.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Health Resources and Services Administration Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (SHIP)

This announcement solicits applications for the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (SHIP). The purpose of the SHIP is to help small rural hospitals of 49 beds or less, do any or all of the following: 1) enable the purchase of equipment and/or training to help hospitals attain value-based purchasing provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA); 2) aid small rural hospitals in joining or becoming accountable care organizations, or create shared savings programs per the ACA; and 3) enable small rural hospitals to purchase health information technology, equipment, and/or training to comply with meaningful use, ICD-10 standards, and payment bundling.

View the SHIP Funding Notice.


Solid Waste Management Grant Program

Purpose: Funds organizations that work to reduce or eliminate water and solid waste pollution in rural areas. Elibility: Private, 501(c)3 organizations, government agencies, federally-recognized Native American tribes, academic institutions.

Funding: $4 million total.

Deadline: December 31, 2015.

USDA-NIFA Community Food Projects (CFP) Competitive Grant Program

Purpose: Funds efforts to improve access, self-reliance, and education of healthy food for low-income communities.

Eligibility : Public food program service providers, tribal organizations, or private nonprofit entities including gleaners.

Funding: $8.6M total.

Deadline: November 30, 2015.


Improving Healthcare Systems Research Grants

Purpose: Funds efforts to allow patients to make informed decisions and give clinicians information and support to improve care.

Eligibility: Any nonprofit or for-profit organization, public sector research organization, laboratory, or government agency.

Funding: 3-year projects, $1.5M; 5-year projects, $5M.

Deadline: Letter of intent due November 12, 2015. Full application due November 12, 2015.


Graduate Psychology Education Program (GPE)
Offers grants to psychology schools and government, nonprofit, or private entities to support doctoral-level psychology education and training programs to prepare psychologists to address the behavioral health needs of vulnerable/underserved populations.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Dec 16, 2015
Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce


Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design™

The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design™ 2016-2017 Request for Proposals is now open for rural communities facing design challenges, from main street revitalization to art-based community development. CIRD will select up to six communities, with populations 50,000 or less, to host a two-and-a-half-day design workshop aimed at solving local design challenges and planning for the future. Selected communities receive a CIRD stipend of $10,000 dollars and in-kind professional assistance to organize the workshop and follow up activities. The workshops are interdisciplinary and feature a wide range of design, planning, and creative placemaking professionals, bringing together local leaders from non-profits, community organizations, and government agencies to develop actionable solutions to a community’s pressing design challenges.  To apply and learn more, click here. The application deadline is January 12, 2016.

NMEF Launches $200 Million College and Career Readiness Strategy

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation has announced a five-year, $200 million initiative to reshape public education so that 80 percent of high school graduates are college and career-ready. According to the foundation, by 2018 more than 60 percent of all jobs will require some level of postsecondary education and training. But data from the New England Secondary School Consortium shows that while more students are graduating from high school, only 50 percent of graduates overall and 32 percent of low-income graduates have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed after high school.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Community Services

Assets for Independence

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Community Services (OCS) will be accepting applications for grants to administer projects for the Assets for Independence (AFI) demonstration program.

AFI grantees administer projects that provide individual development accounts (IDAs) and related services to low-income individuals. Participants open an IDA and save earned income that is matched by project funds. The combined participant savings and project matching funds will be used for an allowable asset: a first home, a business, or post-secondary education or training. Projects also assist participants in obtaining the skills and information necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Grantees are encouraged to tailor the strategies and services they offer to the needs of their project participants and the opportunities in their community. Examples of activities in this area include financial education, asset-specific training, financial coaching, credit-building services, credit/debt counseling, and assistance with tax credits and tax preparation.

Deadline: The application due dates for FY 2016 have changed to December 15, 2015 and May 13, 2016.


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Pay for Success Permanent Supportive Housing Demonstration Program NOFA

In 2010, the Obama Administration released Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, in which federal partners set goals to end veteran and chronic homelessness by 2015, and end family and youth homelessness by 2020. However, there were still 84,291 individuals identified as chronically homeless in the United States in 2014. These individuals are persons with disabilities who experience long-term homelessness, and who typically cycle in and out of a variety of crisis services, including hospital emergency departments and inpatient stays, psychiatric centers, jails, and prisons. This cycling between services not only has negative impacts on health and well-being, but also incurs high costs to the public. Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is a proven solution to chronic homelessness, not only helping to increase housing stability and improvements in health, but also lowering public costs by stopping the revolving door between crisis services.

DOJ and HUD are partnering to advance Pay for Success (PFS), one promising model for financing services that can attract additional, non-traditional sources of funding.

Deadline: February 12, 2016

View the Pay for Success NOFA.


New Markets Tax Credit Program

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) released the Notice of Allocation Availability (NOAA) for the calendar year (CY) 2015 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program). The NOAA makes up to $5 billion in tax credit allocation authority available for the CY 2015 round, pending Congressional authorization.

The New Markets Tax Credit spurs investment of private sector capital into distressed communities by providing a tax credit to corporate or individual taxpayers who make qualified equity investments in designated Community Development Entities (CDEs). The CDEs, in turn, invest the capital raised into projects and businesses in low-income communities. The credit provided to the investor totals 39 percent of the investment in a CDE and is claimed over a seven-year credit allowance period. More information about the NMTC Program can be found on the program’s website or in the program’s fact sheet.

Deadline: December 16, 2015

USDA in Clay Co 10/22/2015

USDA Announces ‘USDA Resource Day’ Events in Kentucky

LEXINGTON, Ky., Sept. 30, 2015 – USDA Rural Development State Director Thomas G. Fern announced today that USDA has scheduled seven ‘USDA Resource Day’ events throughout Kentucky as part of USDA’s StrikeForce Initiative for Rural Growth and Opportunity.

A valued partner of USDA, the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Cooperative Extension) will host the seven locations for the information sharing events.

“Our goal is to assist the public in learning about the wide variety of programs available through USDA,” said Fern. “USDA has a significant number of resources that can bring much needed assistance to residents and communities throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.”

In 2010, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack established USDA’s StrikeForce Initiative for Rural Growth and Opportunity to address the specific challenges associated with rural poverty. Since then, StrikeForce teams have collaborated with more than 500 community partners and public entities to bring targeted assistance to rural areas experiencing chronic poverty. In January 2014, Vilsack designated 73 of Kentucky’s most impoverished counties to be

Read more ...

Chris' Funding Letter October 16, 2015


School Food Support Initiative Purpose: Program support from three prominent school food experts for five school districts that want to build healthier meal programs and improve health of community’s children. Eligibility: All schools participating in National School Lunch Program and committing to focus on scratch cooking. Schools should serve 3000 to 12000 students and be located within 20 miles of a Life Time destination or Whole Foods Market. Funding: Up to $600,000 for five schools. Deadline: October 30, 2015.

USDA Seeks Applications for $16.8M in Grants to Empower SNAP Participants to Make Healthy Eating Choices (aka Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant (FINI)) Purpose: Funds local, state and national organization efforts that enable SNAP participants to better afford healthy foods. Eligibility: Please see link. Funding: $16.8M in grants. Deadline: Webinar for applicants, October 14, 2:00pm. Applications due December 16, 2015. The November GoodGreens meeting will focus on FINI, including speakers representing Midwest FINI grantees from 2015.


Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Grants Purpose: Fund research and education projects for farmers, ranchers, extension agens, nonprofits, students, and communities. Eligibility: Researchers, academics, nonprofits, producers. Funding: Varies by U.S. region. Deadline: Varies by region.

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) AmeriCorps State and National Grants FY 2016

AmeriCorps has been an important part of advancing Administration priorities, including the Promise Zones. AmeriCorps has announced a funding opportunity that may be of interest to your organization or community.

Intent to Apply: A notification of intent to apply is REQUIRED and is due Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 5:00 PM EST.

Deadline: Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM EST.

A separate Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity for Indian Tribes for either fully operational or planning grants will be released later in the Fall with an application deadline of Spring 2016.

Please visit the Corporation for National and Community Service website for details.

U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture Community Food Projects Grant Program

The 2016 USDA Community Food Projects Grant Program Request for Applications (RFA) has been released, with $8.4 million in grant funding available. Applications are due Monday, November 30, 2015 at 5:00 PM EST. The New Entry Sustainable Farming Project is providing free one-on-one technical assistance and resources to organizations interested in applying for the Community Food Projects Grant Program through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. View the Community Food Projects Grant Application.


HHS Announces $685 Million to Support Clinicians Delivering High Quality, Patient-centered Care
Sep 29, 2015 -- Announces the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, a $685 million federal investment designed to support healthcare organizations by helping equip them with the tools to improve quality of care, increase patients' access to information, and reduce costs. This includes funding for the National Rural Accountable Care Consortium to provide education and training for rural providers who may want to transition into Accountable Care Organizations.
Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


Improving Healthcare Systems Research Grants
Offers funding to research the comparative effectiveness of innovative features of healthcare systems (e.g. use of innovative technology, deployment of personnel, incentives, organizational policies) that affect quality, outcomes, and/or efficiency of care. Studies that examine effects on certain populations, including low-income and rural populations, will receive priority.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Letter of Intent (Required): Nov 12, 2015
Application Deadline: Feb 16, 2016
Sponsor: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


Solid Waste Management Grant Program
Offers funds to organizations to provide technical assistance that will reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources in rural areas, and improve planning and management of solid waste sites in rural areas.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2015
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development


Water and Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants
Grants for organizations that assist communities with water or wastewater operations through technical assistance and/or training.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2015
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development


Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program
Provides loan repayment programs for health professions educational loans in return for full-time clinical service in Indian health programs.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Aug 12, 2016
Sponsor: Indian Health Service



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