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Suzette's Funding Letter, April 4, 2016


Strategic Economic and Community Development

Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) is a new provision from the 2014 Farm Bill that prioritizes projects which support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans whose long-term community and economic growth strategies reflect stakeholder collaboration and the unique strengths of rural communities. SECD sets aside up to 10 percent of program funds in Rural Development’s Community Facilities, Water and Environmental Programs, Business & Industry Guaranteed Loans, and Rural Business Development Grants for these purposes.

Rural Communities Encouraged to Apply for USDA Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Take Advantage of Historically Low Interest Rates

USDA Rural Utilities Service Administrator Brandon McBride announced that interest rates have fallen to historic lows for USDA water and waste disposal loans and encouraged rural towns and cities to apply for funding assistance. Applicants are encouraged to use Rural Development’s new online application tool RD Apply.  The

Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program provides funding to construct clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in rural areas with a population of 10,000 or less.

Kresge Makes $30M Available for Impact Investing

The Kresge Foundation has launched Kresge Community Finance, a $30 million impact investing offering available to development finance agencies (DFAs) and CDFIs. Funded projects will support work that aligns with Kresge’s six programs – Arts & Culture, Detroit, Education, Environment, Health and Human Services – and their strategic focus areas. To advance the Foundation's vision, CDFA, in coordination with the Initiative for Responsible Investment, will hold an informational webinar to outline in greater detail the type of projects The Kresge Foundation wishes to fund. This RFP represents one of the largest ever impact investing offerings from a foundation and CDFA stakeholders are strongly encouraged to apply.


USDA Invests $103 Million in Vital Watershed Projects

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing up to $103 million in post-disaster recovery and the rehabilitation of aging dams in 19 States through Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP). Overall, NRCS will invest $93 million in Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program assistance to help state and local governments carry out much needed recovery projects to address damage caused by floods, hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters. Approximately $59 million will be used in recovery projects in some of the hardest hit areas in Texas, Mississippi and Utah. About $34 million will assist projects in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and Wyoming. A summary of projects by state is available on the EWP website. USDA watershed projects provide an estimated $2.2 billion in benefits annually to local communities nationwide. Since 1948, USDA has helped local governments construct nearly 12,000 dams in 47 states and Puerto Rico to help prevent flooding and erosion damage, provide recreation opportunities, improve water supplies for drinking and irrigation, and create habitat for wildlife.

Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking
Funds for victim service organizations to support comprehensive services for all victims of human trafficking by increasing the capacity of communities to respond to human trafficking victims through the development of interagency partnerships, professional training, and public awareness activities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: May 2, 2016
Sponsor: Office for Victims of Crime

Specialized Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Funds to enhance the quality and quantity of specialized services, including mental health services, provided by victim service organizations to assist victims of human trafficking.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: May 12, 2016
Sponsor: Office for Victims of Crime

DTA Foundation Grant
Awards funding to projects designed to increase access to oral health care.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: May 25, 2016
Sponsor: Dental Trade Alliance Foundation

Grants to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths
Provides funding to states, U.S. territories, and the Red Lake Band of Chippewa that receive the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant to reduce the number of prescription drug and opioid overdose-related deaths and adverse events among individuals 18 years of age and older.
Geographic coverage: Eligibility is limited to states, U.S. territories, pacific jurisdictions, and tribal entities that receive the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block grants.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2016
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs (SPF Rx)
Provides funding for state agencies that have completed a Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant to target prescription drug misuse. State agencies will work with pharmaceutical and medical communities on the risk of overprescribing to young adults and raise community awareness about the danger of sharing medication.
Geographic coverage: Eligibility is limited to states, U.S. territories, pacific jurisdictions, and tribal entities that have completed a Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant and have an operational state run Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2016
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Targeted Capacity Expansion: Medication Assisted Treatment - Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA)
Provides funds for state agencies to expand or enhance access to medication assisted treatment services for individuals with opioid use disorder in states with the highest rates of treatment admissions for heroin and opioids per capita.
Geographic coverage: 28 states with the highest rates of treatment admissions for heroin and opioids per capita
Application Deadline: May 31, 2016
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program
Provides funding to community-based, outreach education and extension programs at land-grant colleges and universities that provide individuals and families based in rural areas with information on health, wellness, and prevention, including information regarding the issue of substance abuse in rural communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Jun 1, 2016
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Tribal Self-Governance Program Negotiation Cooperative Agreement
Cooperative agreements that provide negotiation resources to tribes interested in participating in the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP), which gives tribes the authority to manage and tailor healthcare programs in a manner that best fits the needs of their communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Jun 3, 2016
Sponsor: Indian Health Service

Tribal Self-Governance Program Planning Cooperative Agreement
The purpose of the program is to award cooperative agreements that provide planning resources to Tribes interested in participating in the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP), which gives tribes the authority to manage and tailor healthcare programs in a manner that best fits the needs of their communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Jun 3, 2016
Sponsor: Indian Health Service

Suzette's Funding Letter March 25, 2106


Strategic Economic and Community Development

Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) is a new provision from the 2014 Farm Bill that prioritizes projects which support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans whose long-term community and economic growth strategies reflect stakeholder collaboration and the unique strengths of rural communities. SECD sets aside up to 10 percent of program funds in Rural Development’s Community Facilities, Water and Environmental Programs, Business & Industry Guaranteed Loans, and Rural Business Development Grants for these purposes.

USDA Seeks Applications for Loans and Grants to Help Grow Rural Businesses and Spur Economic Development

Rural Business Cooperative-Service Administrator Sam Rikkers announces USDA is seeking applications for loans and grants to help support the start-up or expansion of rural businesses.  The funding is being provided through the Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) program. Under this program, USDA provides zero-interest loans and grants to local utilities, which use the funding to create revolving funds for projects that will create or retain jobs in rural areas. USDA is making $37 million in loans and $11 million in grants available. A recipient may receive a loan of up to $1 million, or a grant of up to $300,000.

Obama Administration Announces $66M via POWER Initiative

In partnership with the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), the Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced the availability of $65.8 million in new funding through the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) initiative. The POWER Initiative is a multi-agency effort aligning and targeting federal economic and workforce development resources to communities, regions and workers that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries. The new funding will help communities and regions develop new strategies for economic growth and worker advancement. Read more...

$65 Million for POWER grants in Coal Impacted Regions


ARC Spotlight


Bringing     POWER to Appalachia 

    Many communities across Appalachia—from     coal mines to Main Streets—are being impacted as the world changes the way     it produces and consumes electricity. ARC’s latest     research indicates that of the 25,417 coal mining jobs lost in     the U.S. from 2011 to 2015, 87.7 percent of them were in Appalachia.
    However, creating a resilient future for Appalachia is not a county by     county challenge. It is not a state by state challenge. It is a regional     challenge.   
    On March 17, as part of the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and     Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative, the Obama Administration announced     $65.8 million to the nation’s coal-impacted communities to     develop resilient and transformative strategies for creating economic     prosperity. The majority of this support ($46.2 million) is available to     Appalachian communities to diversify their economies through grants for     implementation and technical assistance. In addition, ARC is announcing a     series of public workshops and webinars to bring POWER to Appalachia.     Information about all these opportunities is now available at www.arc.gov/POWER.    
    Growth Index chart   
    This growth index shows coal mining job     losses in Appalachian states compared to the rest of the country. It is     part of ARC’s new research report: Appalachian     Coal Industry, Power Generation, and Supply Chain.

Appalachia in the     News


Obama     Administration Offers $66 Million to Aid Coal Communities, Reuters


New Data     Show Health Care Jobs Grew in Kentucky Last YearWFPL, Louisville,     Kentucky


CSX Layoffs     in Kentucky Impact More than Just Rail Workers, WSAZ, Huntington,     West Virginia


Manufacturing     Facility to Bring Jobs to Marshall County, WREG,     Memphis,Tennessee


Entrepreneurs     Take Giant Leap, Johnson     City Press, Johnson City, Tennessee


$65 Million for POWER grants in Coal Impacted Regions


ARC Spotlight


Bringing     POWER to Appalachia 

    Many communities across Appalachia—from     coal mines to Main Streets—are being impacted as the world changes the way     it produces and consumes electricity. ARC’s latest     research indicates that of the 25,417 coal mining jobs lost in     the U.S. from 2011 to 2015, 87.7 percent of them were in Appalachia.
    However, creating a resilient future for Appalachia is not a county by     county challenge. It is not a state by state challenge. It is a regional     challenge.   
    On March 17, as part of the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and     Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative, the Obama Administration announced     $65.8 million to the nation’s coal-impacted communities to     develop resilient and transformative strategies for creating economic     prosperity. The majority of this support ($46.2 million) is available to     Appalachian communities to diversify their economies through grants for     implementation and technical assistance. In addition, ARC is announcing a     series of public workshops and webinars to bring POWER to Appalachia.     Information about all these opportunities is now available at www.arc.gov/POWER.    
    Growth Index chart   
    This growth index shows coal mining job     losses in Appalachian states compared to the rest of the country. It is     part of ARC’s new research report: Appalachian     Coal Industry, Power Generation, and Supply Chain.

Appalachia in the     News


Obama     Administration Offers $66 Million to Aid Coal Communities, Reuters


New Data     Show Health Care Jobs Grew in Kentucky Last YearWFPL, Louisville,     Kentucky


CSX Layoffs     in Kentucky Impact More than Just Rail Workers, WSAZ, Huntington,     West Virginia


Manufacturing     Facility to Bring Jobs to Marshall County, WREG,     Memphis,Tennessee


Entrepreneurs     Take Giant Leap, Johnson     City Press, Johnson City, Tennessee




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