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Suzette's Funding Letter, August 5, 2016


  1. 1.Hospital Charitable Service Awards
    Recognizes hospitals in the United States whose commitment to their community has led to innovative, sustainable, and collaborative efforts to improve community health and increase access to healthcare education and services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2016
    Sponsor: Jackson Healthcare
  2. 2.Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) Model
    An advanced primary care medical home model designed to strengthen primary care through a regionally-based multi-payer payment reform and care delivery transformation. The redesign will give practices financial resources and flexibility to make quality and efficiency of care investments and reduce unnecessary health care costs.
    Geographic coverage: Available in 16 states
    Application Deadline: Sep 15, 2016
    Sponsor: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  3. 3.Strategies to Increase Delivery of Guideline-Based Care to Populations with Health Disparities (R01)
    Awards funding for innovative, multi-level studies to test systems, infrastructures, and strategies that will accelerate the adoption of guideline-based recommendations into clinical care relevant to heart, lung, blood diseases, and sleep disorders. Vulnerable populations include medically underserved individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, low income groups, and rural-dwelling patients.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Sep 21, 2016
    Application Deadline: Oct 21, 2016
    Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
  4. 4.Public Health Student Volunteer Program
    Provides a one-semester internship experience for students enrolled in a public health program.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
    Sponsor: Health Resources and Services Administration
  1. 5.FEMA National Training Program Continuing Grants

FEMA announced funding opportunities for the Fiscal Year 2016 Continuing Training Grants program. The Homeland Security National Training Program’s Continuing Training Grants will provide $11.5 million to qualified applicants to help improve the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from all-hazard events. This highly competitive program attracts applicants from state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, eligible non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions. Funding is provided as cooperative agreements and awarded directly to the selected applicants. For more information and to download the application package, visit http://www.grants.gov/">www.grants.gov and submit applications no later than August 22.

  1. 6.Small Grants Program for Transporting Healthy Food

CSX and The Conservation Fund have joined forces for a third round of grants to help combat food insecurity! The Grants Program for Transporting Healthy Food will help strengthen and support the transportation and distribution of healthy food to communities in need. Small grants will enable producers and retailers to acquire the equipment and resources needed to sustain food quality and safety as they sell, store, package and distribute fresh produce and other foods. More than 23 million Americans across the country have limited or no access to fresh produce, meats and seafood. One of the contributing factors to these "food deserts" is the lack of local infrastructure to distribute fresh food to markets. We need to connect people to food, and food to people! For the last two years, the recipient organizations used the grant funds to purchase refrigeration and delivery trucks, acquire portable food chests and expand local food supply and capacity to provide more than 214 million pounds of nutritious food to approximately 8.5 million people annually. Application Deadline: September 15, 2016


  1. 7.USDA Community Facilities Re-lending Program

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are eligible to apply to participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Community Facilities Re-lending Program. Through the Community Facilities Re-lending Program, USDA provides low-interest, direct loans through the program to Re-lenders - high-impact, community-based lending institutions with a track record of mission-driven lending in high poverty areas. Re-lenders can use the funds to make loans for community facilities projects like health clinics, schools, libraries, food banks, municipal buildings, and child care centers. CDFIs are eligible to participate as Community Facilities Re-lenders through the program. Re-lenders must demonstrate that they have experience making loans in economically distressed rural areas. To learn more about the Community Facilities Re-lending Program, and how to participate, please visit http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/community-facilities-relending-program">USDA's website.


  1. 8.EPA Announces $10.7M in Supplemental Funds to Cleanup Brownfields

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced approximately $10.7 million in supplemental funding to help transform communities by cleaning up contaminated brownfield properties. EPA plans to provide supplemental funding to 33 successful Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grantees, helping more than 40 communities carry out cleanup and redevelopment projects.


  1. 9.High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety Pilot/Feasibility Research Projects (HICAHS)
    Grants to support agriculture and forestry occupational health and safety research projects in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
    Geographic coverage: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
    Application Deadline: Aug 15, 2016
    Sponsor: High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
  1. 10.Nutrition Education for Native American Communities
    Grants to native communities interested in starting or expanding nutrition education programs for Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) recipients.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2016
    Sponsors: First Nations Development Institute, Walmart Foundation

Suzette's Funding Letter, July 22, 2016


  1. SBA Announces $2M for Technology-Businesses Outreach, Assistance

As part of the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program, the U.S. Small Business Administration has awarded up to $200,000 to organizations in 21 states to provide outreach and technical assistance to science and technology-driven small businesses.  With an emphasis on socially and economically disadvantaged firms, the FAST program provides funds to organizations helping businesses better prepare to compete for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding. Read more...

  1. Corporation for National and Community Service | New Pay For Success Funding Opportunity

The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) is excited to announce the 2016 Social Innovation Fund (SIF) Pay for Success (PFS) Administrative Data Pilot Grant Competition, which will provide up to $4.5 million in grants to eligible nonprofit organizations, including public or non-profit universities, faith-based organizations, and state and local governments (and other political subdivisions) for activities related to administrative data in order to develop high quality PFS projects. The goal of the Administrative Data Pilot competition to address an issue facing Pay for Success Projects – easy access to high-quality data for evaluation purposes. This competition is intended to support current PFS projects’ access to high-quality, less expensive data for evaluation purposes so they can improve the outcomes of their interventions. Through this competition, CNCS is seeking an entity (or entities) to centralize the administrative data access function, thereby mitigating the challenges faced by governments and other organizations in accessing and using administrative data.

NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY DEADLINE: Applicants are encouraged to send a Notice of Intent to Apply by Monday, July 25, 2016 at 5:00 PM EDT.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by 5:00 PM EDT, Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Successful applicants will be notified by September 20, 2016.

  1. Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants

HUD is making available through this NOFA $5,000,000 for FY2016 Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants. Through funding of national organizations with expertise in rural housing and community development, the Rural Capacity Building program enhances the capacity and ability of rural housing development organizations, CDCs, CHDOs, local governments, and Indian Tribes to carry out community development and affordable housing activities that benefit low- and moderate-income families and persons in rural areas. HUD expects to make approximately 5 awards from the funds available under this NOFA. Bonus Points: Two bonus points will be awarded for working with communities that are Preferred Sustainability Status Communities and/or Promise Zones, as described in Section V.D.3 of the General Section. Priority and/or bonus points will be considered only if the application meets or exceeds the Program's minimum fundable score based on the rating factors of this NOFA. The minimum score for an application to be considered for funding is 75. Please refer to page 17 of the application for more information. Read the NOFA.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 13, 2016

  1. America’s Promise Job Driven Grant Program

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $100,000,000 in grant funds for America’s Promise Job-driven Grant Program. DOL expects to fund approximately 20-40 grants, with individual grant amounts ranging from $1 million to $6 million. This grant program is designed to create or expand regional partnerships between employers, economic development, workforce development, community colleges, training programs, K-12 education systems, and community-based organizations that make a commitment – or a “promise” – to provide a pipeline of workers to fill existing job openings, meet existing employer needs for expansion, fuel the talent needs of entrepreneurs, and attract more jobs from overseas. These funds will be used to cover tuition and the costs of training-related activities on a first-dollar basis ensuring that training and education are free to individuals. Participants may use other sources of aid—such as Federal financial aid—to cover supplies, books, room and board, and other training-related expenses. Read the NOFA.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by 4:00 PM EDT, Tuesday, August 25, 2016.

  1. Grant to Establish USDA RIDGE Center for Food/Nutrition Research

Purpose: Funds projects that expand and help disseminate info by the USDA Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) Center, which gives grants to conduct research on major USDA food/nutrition programs. Eligibility: Private or public higher education schools. Funding: $600,000. Deadline: August 1, 2016.

  1. USDA Grants to Help Socially Disadvantaged Rural Businesses

Purpose: This grant will provide funding to cooperatives and other organizations that provide technical assistance, like leadership training, feasibility studies, and developing business plans for socially disadvantaged groups in rural areas, especially those with poverty rates of 20% or higher. Eligibility: Cooperatives and cooperative development centers. Funding: Maximum of $175,000. Deadline: August 5, 2016, or electronically by August 1, 2016.


  1. Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grant

Purpose: Funds projects that conducts research or helps to clean up and reuse brownfields, i.e. former industrial sites. Eligibility: local governments or redevelopment agencies. Funding: $200,000 maximum. Deadline: August 10, 2016.


  1. Laura Jane Musser Fund: Rural Initiative Program

Purpose: Funds projects in rural communities for economic development, business preservation, arts/humanities, public space improvements, and education. Eligibility: Government or nonprofit entities in communities with fewer than 10,000 people. Funding: Planning (Deadline: November 2, 2016.

  1. USDA Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP)

Purpose: Provides loans and grants to Microenterprise Development Organizations (MDO’s) to provide microloans, training, and technical assistance to microloan borrowers and micro entrepreneurs. Eligibility: See website. Funding: Up to $205,000 annually (with 15% matching); loans up to $50,000-$500,000 for MDOs; loans up to $50,000 to ultimate recipients. Deadline: Rolling (applications will be considered for next Federal fiscal quarter).


  1. Rural Health Info Grants Database

Purpose: Compiles grants and opportunities for rural-based projects.

  1. Community Facility Grant and Loan Program

Purpose: Provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities, including local food system facilities, in rural areas with populations under 20,000. Funding: Varies. Eligibility: Public bodies, community-based nonprofits, federally-recognized Tribes. Priority is given to small communities (populations of 5,500 or less) and low-income communities. Deadline: Rolling.

  1. Rural Business Development Grant

Purpose: Supports development of small rural businesses, including projects related to land acquisition/development, community economic development, and feasibility studies. Funding: $10,000 to $500,000. Eligibility: governments/authorities, nonprofits, universities, federally-recognized tribes, rural cooperatives. Deadline: Applications are accepted through local or state Rural Development offices once every year.

  1. Food Sovereignty Assessment Grant Program

Purpose: First Nations Development Institute, via the Tides Foundation, will fund Native communities looking to conduct food assessments to help build food healthier, more local, and culturally relevant food systems. Eligibility: Native American-controlled governments or organizations. Funding: $20,000 total; 20 grants. Deadline: August 10, 2016.


  1. Developing Healthy Places

Purpose: Kresge Foundation seeks to fund nonprofit or government initiatives that build healthier and more equitable food systems, transportation infrastructure, and land use. Eligibility: Nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations, government entities. Funding: Varies. Deadline: Rolling.


  1. Jewel-Osco Community Grants

Purpose: Fund organizations promoting nutrition education, healthy eating, and local/sustainable conscientiousness. Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations. Deadline: Rolling.


  1. Surdna Foundation/Sustainable Environment Grants

Purpose: Fund projects that develop regional food infrastructure, reduce barriers to access, strategize financing, or link organizations to more effectively advance regional food efforts. Preference is given to projects that address low-income communities of color and combine food supply efforts with infrastructure construction. Eligibility: Non-profit organizations. Funding: Need-based. Deadline: Rolling.


  1. Health Care Service Grant for Rural Communities (Bureau of Primary Health Care)

Purpose: Funding is available for Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care. Eligibility: Government or nonprofit organizations. Priority will be given to projects serving the nation’s highest need populations. Funding: $197 million in total. Deadline: August 29, 2016.

  1. Voices for Healthy Kids (VFHK) Grant

Purpose: Fund projects that advocate policies related to child obesity and VFHK priorities and support advocacy efforts. Funded by the American Heart Association and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Eligibility: non-profit organizations. Deadline: Rolling.


  1. Outreach for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers/Ranchers and Veteran Farmers/Ranchers

Purpose: Funds organizations that provide training and technical assistance projects to socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers/ranchers. Interactive webinars will be held on July 29 at 2pm EST at (888)455-1685, passcode: 4725205 at this link. Eligibility: Higher education institutions and land grant, Tribal, and Hispanic-serving colleges/universities. Funding: $8.4 million total. Deadline: July 29, 2016.

  1. Organic Certification Cost Share Programs (USDA AMS)

Purpose: Helps cover organic certification-related expenses. Eligibility: Producers and handlers. Funding: Up to 75% of certification costs. Deadline: Check with state department of agriculture.


  1. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Farmer Rancher Grant Program

Purpose: Funds projects that research sustainable solutions to farm management. Funding: up to $7,500 for individual projects and up to $22,500 for group projects. Deadline: Varies.

  1. Beginning Farmers Grants and Resources

Purpose: Provide financial and technical assistance to new or beginning farmers or ranchers. Priority is given to veterans, socially disadvantaged and women farmers or ranchers. Eligibility: See website. Deadline: See website.


  1. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Purpose: Provides financial and technical assistance to help agricultural producers plan and implement conservation practices. Of primary interest is the funding of high tunnels (hoop houses), assistance to conserve monarch butterfly habitats, and support for producers who are transitioning to organic production. Funding: Varies. Eligibility: Agricultural producers. Deadline: Continuous.

  1. Farm Storage Facility Loans

Purpose: Provides low-interest financing to build or upgrade permanent facilities to store or process agricultural products. Most recently, these loans made available funding for refrigerated vehicles. Funding: Up to $500,000 per loan. Eligibility: Please see eligibility requirements here. Deadline: Rolling.

  1. USDA Microloans

Purpose: USDA’s Farm Service Agency provides financial assistance for small, beginning farmer, niche and non-traditional farm ownership or operations. Non-traditional farm operations can include truck farms, farms, direct marketing farmers, Community Supported Agriculture, restaurants and grocery stores, or those using hydroponic, aquaponic, organic, and/or vertical growing methods. Eligibility: Please see website. Funding: Maximum of $50,000. Deadline: Rolling.

  1. Reducing Climate Change through Use of Agricultural Land Grant (USDA-NIFA)

Purpose: Fund projects that explore how to use land in an environmentally friendly way that promotes production and distribution of food. Projects should help reduce energy, water, and nitrogen fertilizer input in farming, and promote carbon sequestration. Eligibility: Research or land grant institutions. Funding: $8.4 million total. Deadline: Letter of intent due September 14, 2016. Application due November 17, 2016.


  1. Economic Development Assistance Programs

Purpose: Provides financial assistance to projects that support: development and job creation in economically distressed areas. Eligibility: Tribal, state, local governments, educational institutions, non-profits with and without 501(c)(3) status. Funding: $100K to $3 million. Deadline: Rolling.

  1. Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program (Economic Development Administration) Purpose: Provides financial and technical assistance to plan and implement EDA projects. Eligibility: Tribal, state, local governments, educational institutions, non-profits with and without 501(c)(3) status. Funding: up to $300,000. Deadline: Rolling.
  1. Institute for Sustainable Communities Partnership for Resilient Communities

Applications due Friday, July 29, 2016.

Full details here.

The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) is seeking to support community-based organizations to implement projects that will advance local resilience through a new grant and capacity-building program. ISC is requesting proposals for innovative, community-driven projects from place-based nonprofit organizations, with a target list of 20 cities. ISC is launching its new national program, The Partnership for Resilient Communities, by making two or three grants (of up to $250,000 per grant) to community-based groups.

  1. Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants Program

Applications due Aug 16, 2016.

Full details here.

Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-NMFS-HCPO-2016-2004840

As part of its national effort to build resilient coastal ecosystems, communities and economies, NOAA is announcing the availability of up to $8.5 million in funding for coastal and marine habitat restoration in 2016. NOAA is seeking proposals for habitat restoration projects under the Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency grant program. The proposed projects should reduce the risks to coastal communities from extreme weather events, changing environmental conditions and known or potential climate change effects. Funding will help communities reduce risks from extreme weather and climate hazards, and changing ocean conditions. 

Suzette's Funding Letter, July 15, 2016


  1. Performance Partnerships Pilots (P3) Round Two Application Deadline Extended

The federal government recently announced an application deadline extension for the second round of the P3 competition. The U.S. Department of Education will reopen the application process until July 19th. Entities that ran out of time to complete their applications will now have additional time. Official questions can be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Contact the Forum's Thaddeus Ferber for (unofficial) help and support. The Performance Partnership Pilots - commonly referred to as P3 - allow selected local, tribal and state agencies the opportunity to enter into an agreement with the federal government that will grant broad flexibility in how the site uses discretionary federal funds to implement evidence-informed practices while committing to achieve significant improvements for disconnected youth. The Forum for Youth Investment has created the online P3 Hub, a webpage that provides a central location for P3-related resources and information. Access the P3 Hub here.

  1. EPA Announces $10.7 Million to Clean Up 33 Brownfield Sites

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced approximately $10.7 million in supplemental funding to help transform communities by cleaning up contaminated brownfield properties. EPA plans to provide supplemental funding to 33 successful Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grantees, helping more than 40 communities carry out cleanup and redevelopment projects. These projects will help communities create jobs while protecting people’s health and the environment. Areas receiving the most supplemental funding include Springfield, Missouri; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development; Cuyahoga County, Ohio; and the Washington Department of Commerce.

  1. 3.U.S. Department of Education | Promise Neighborhoods Program Implementation Grant Competition

The vision of the Promise Neighborhoods program is that all children and youth living in distressed communities have access to great schools and strong systems of family and community support that will prepare them to attain an excellent education and successfully transition to college and a career.

Promise Neighborhoods are led by organizations that work to ensure that all children and youth in the target geographic area have access to services that lead to improved educational and developmental outcomes from cradle-to career; are based on the best available evidence and designed to learn about the impact of approaches, for which there is less evidence; are linked and integrated seamlessly; and include education programs as well as programs that provide family and community supports. Promise Neighborhoods enable children and youth within targeted distressed communities to participate in the full range of cradle-to career supports that are necessary for them to realize their potential. Building on prior Promise Neighborhoods grantees’ work to enhance high-quality early learning opportunities, this year’s competition includes a competitive preference priority intended to improve coordination among early learning providers and ensure alignment between early learning systems and elementary education systems.

Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: July 25, 2016.

Application Deadline: September 6, 2016.

Read the Federal Register Notice.

  1. 4.American Indian and Alaska Native Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of approximately $3.5 million to be competitively awarded for the purpose of expanding access to high-quality, comprehensive services to low-income American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) infants and toddlers and their families through Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, or through the expansion of Early Head Start services. ACF solicits applications from public entities, including states, or private non-profit organizations, including community-based or faith-based organizations, or for-profit agencies that meet eligibility for applying as stated in section 645A of the Head Start Act. Applicants that propose to serve children that reside within an area of high poverty or a federally designated Promise Zone (listed in the Appendix) and that serves a substantial number of children within that Zone and submit form HUD-50153 Certification of Consistency with Promise Zone Goals and Implementation, signed by the authorized official for the designated Promise Zone supporting the application, will receive 3 bonus points under the Criteria listed in Section V.1. For more information about federally designated Promise Zones, please visit the Promise Zones website.

Application Deadline: August 24, 2016

  1. 5.Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of approximately $135 million to be competitively awarded for the purpose of expanding access to high-quality, comprehensive services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families through Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, or through the expansion of Early Head Start services. ACF solicits applications from public entities, including states, or private non-profit organizations, including community-based or faith-based organizations, or for-profit agencies that meet eligibility for applying as stated in section 645A of the Head Start Act. Applicants that propose to serve children that reside within area of high poverty or a federally designated Promise Zone (listed in the Appendix) and that serves a substantial number of children within that Zone and submit form HUD-50153, Certification of Consistency with Promise Zone Goals and Implementation, signed by the authorized official for the designated Promise Zone supporting the application, will receive 3 bonus points under the Criteria listed in Section V.1..

Application Due Date:  August 24, 2016

  1. 6.Migrant and Seasonal Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of approximately $5 million to be competitively awarded for the purpose of expanding access to high-quality, comprehensive services to low-income, migrant and seasonal infants and toddlers and their families through Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, or through the expansion of Early Head Start services. ACF solicits applications from public entities, including states, or private non-profit organizations, including community-based or faith-based organizations, or for-profit agencies that meet eligibility for applying as stated in Section 645A of the Head Start Act. Applicants that propose to serve children that reside within an area of high poverty or federally designated Promise Zone listed in the Appendix, and that serves a substantial number of children within that Zone, and submit form HUD-50153, Certification of Consistency with Promise Zone Goals and Implementation, signed by the authorized official for the designated Promise Zone supporting the application, will receive 3 bonus points under the Criteria listed in Section V.1.

Application Due Date:  August 24, 2016

  1. Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative - Generation Indigenous (GEN-I) Initiative Support
    Awards funding to organizations that promote Native American youth development and family engagement through early intervention strategies to reduce risk factors linked to suicidal behavior and substance abuse.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 1, 2016
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service


  1.  Improving Hepatitis B and C Care Cascades; Focus on Increased Testing and Diagnosis
    Funds state and local health departments to work with external partners to increase testing and treatment for persons living with Hepatitis B (HBV) and/or Hepatitis C (HCV) infection.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 2, 2016
    Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


  1. Avon Breast Health Outreach Program (BHOP)
    Funding to link medically underserved populations to breast health education and screening services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 19, 2016
    Sponsor: Avon Foundation


  1. America’s Promise Job Driven Grant Program
    Funding to create and implement regional, sector-based workforce development projects to meet the needs of both businesses and workers in industries that typically use a significant number of H-1B Visas, such as healthcare and IT.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 25, 2016
    Sponsor: Employment and Training Administration


  1. National HIV Program: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Engagement in Care
    Awards grants for HIV/AIDS prevention and care activities that serve American Indian/Alaska Native people.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 28, 2016
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service


  1. Service Area Competition Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of February 1, 2017)
    Funding to provide comprehensive primary health care services to an underserved area or population
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 29, 2016
    Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care
  2. Wrigley Company Foundation Community Service Grant
    Provides funding to dental hygienists for projects aimed at improving oral health or providing oral health education.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Oct 1, 2016
    Sponsor: American Dental Hygienists' Association
  3. Bureau of Primary Health Care Loan Guarantee Program
    Provides a loan guarantee to Section 330 health centers to develop and operate practice management networks or managed care networks or plans.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
    Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care
  1. Community Access to Child Health Seeks Applications for Community Pediatric Health Programs

Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded for the planning or implementation of innovative community-based child health initiatives aimed at ensuring that all children have access to healthcare services not otherwise available in their community....

POSTED: June 26, 2016

DEADLINE: July 29, 2016

  1. USDA Announces $8.4 Million to Support a Diverse Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of $8.4 million in competitive grants to support the work of partner organizations that provide training, outreach and technical assistance for socially disadvantaged, Tribal and Veteran farmers and ranchers. USDA's Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program, also known as the 2501 Program, is administered by the Office of Advocacy and Outreach (OAO). Proposals for these competitive grants must be received by July 29, 2016 at http://www.grants.gov/" target="extWindow" title="Opens in new window.">www.grants.gov. Details are available in the June 27, 2016 https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2016/06/27/2016-15124/outreach-and-assistance-for-socially-disadvantaged-farmers-and-ranchers-and-veteran-farmers-and" target="extWindow" title="Opens in new window.">Federal Register Notice or by contacting USDA, by mail at Office of Advocacy and Outreach, Attn: Kenya Nicholas, Program Director, Whitten Building, Room 520-A, Mail Stop 0601, 1400 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20250, by phone: (202) 720-6350, Fax: (202) 720-7704, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  1. HHS Announces Major Initiative to Help Small Practices Prepare for the Quality Payment Program
    Jun 20, 2016 -- The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will award $20 million each year over the next five years to fund on-the-ground training and education for Medicare clinicians in individual or small group practices of 15 clinicians or fewer.
    Source: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
  1. Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Program
    Funding for projects to facilitate community involvement in area-wide planning approaches to brownfields assessment, cleanup, and reuse.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 10, 2016
    Sponsor: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  1. Service Area Competition Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of January 1, 2017)
    Funding to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services to an underserved area or population.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 16, 2016
    Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care
  1. Agricultural Health and Safety Special Project and Pilot Study Funds (Mini-grant Program)
    Funding to support small-scale projects and pilot studies that address prevention of childhood agricultural disease and injury.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 17, 2016
    Sponsor: National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety


  1. Laura Jane Musser Fund: Rural Initiative Program
    Encourages collaborative and participatory efforts among citizens in rural communities that will help to strengthen their towns and regions in a number of civic areas.
    Geographic coverage: Colorado, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Wyoming
    Application Deadline: Nov 2, 2016
    Sponsor: Laura Jane Musser Fund
  1. FSA to Provide $300M for Cotton Producers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency will provide an estimated $300 million in cost-share assistance payments to cotton producers through a new cotton ginning cost-share program intended to expand and maintain the domestic marketing of cotton.

  1. Rural Energy Savings Program

The Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) helps rural families and small businesses achieve cost savings by providing loans to qualified consumers to implement durable cost-effective energy efficiency measures.

Program Status:  OPEN
Notice of Solicitation for Applications (NOSA): PDF
Letter of Intent Deadline: August 5, 2016 | Sample Letter of Intent
Program Factsheet: PDF

Suzette's Funding Letter, June 21, 2016


  1. Strategic Economic and Community Development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is excited to share a new Rural Development funding opportunity authorized by Section 6025 of the 2014 Farm Bill. This new authority entitled Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) prioritizes projects that support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans under the Community Facilities Program, Water and Waste Disposal Program, Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program, and Rural Business Development Grant Program. Under this provision, up to 10 percent of each programs annual appropriations can be set aside and made available to eligible SECD applicants—in FY 2016, SECD has set aside over $300 million.  Many communities already working together to develop multi-jurisdictional plans with the help of strategic partners including non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, university extensions, regional authorities, coalitions of counties/towns and federal special initiative coalitions such as: Stronger Economies Together, Promise Zones, Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnerships, Sustainable Communities, and Local Food, Local Places. The goal of SECD is to promote collaboration in rural communities and across Rural Development agencies and programs. Communities are incentivized to align resources, develop long-term community and economic growth strategies and engage federal, state and local partners. By promoting this regional focus USDA resources can be more effectively utilized and have a larger impact on rural capacity building and wealth creation.


  1. ORIX Foundation Launches New Community Improvement Grant Program

POSTED: June 16, 2016

DEADLINE: July 31, 2016 (Letters of Inquiry)

Grants in excess of $250,000 will be awarded in support of solutions that demonstrate new, sustainable approaches to persistent community problems....


  1. A Little Hope Offering Youth Bereavement Support Services Grants

POSTED: June 12, 2016


Grants will be awarded to organizations that provide support services and grief counseling to children and teens who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or loved one....


  1. Singing for Change Accepting LOIs for Social and Environmental Problems

POSTED: June 11, 2016


Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to progressive nonprofit organizations working to address the root causes of a social or environmental problem....


  1. Russell Sage Foundation Issues RFP for Educational Success Studies

POSTED: June 13, 2016
DEADLINE: August 11, 2016

Grants of up to $20,000 will be awarded for studies that use data on academic achievement from the Stanford Education Data Archive to deepen understanding of educational opportunity and success in the United States....


  1. FirstEnergy Accepting Applications for STEM-Based Classroom Projects

POSTED: June 11, 2016
DEADLINE: September 23, 2016

Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded in support of creative classroom projects related to one or more of the STEM disciplines....


  1. NCTM Accepting Proposals for Pre-K-6 Classroom Research Grants

POSTED: June 17, 2016
DEADLINE: November 4, 2016

Grants of up to $6,000 will be awarded for classroom-based research in precollege mathematics education in collaboration with college or university mathematics educators....


  1. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Accepting LOIs for Research

POSTED: June 13, 2016
DEADLINE: August 1, 2016 (Letters of Intent)

Grants of up to $500,000 per year for up to three years will be awarded for targeted, innovative, and potentially high-impact studies that seek to inform and transform suicide prevention efforts....

  1. Susan Harwood Training Grant Program
    Provides grants to fund education and training programs or educational material development for workers and employers to help them recognize workplace safety and health hazards, implement injury prevention measures, and inform them of their rights and responsibilities.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Jun 28, 2016
    Sponsor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration
  2. Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program
    This program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Jul 7, 2016
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  3. Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative (TCPI) Support and Alignment Networks (SAN) 2.0
    Awards funding to support networks to provide technical assistance in order to leverage primary and specialist care transformation work and learning in the field. The focus will be on preparation of clinical practices for the accelerated adoption of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) on a large scale and at low cost before 2019.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Jul 1, 2016
    Application Deadline: Jul 11, 2016
    Sponsor: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  4. Programs to Reduce Obesity in High Obesity Areas to Boost Prevention
    Awards funds to land grant colleges and universities for projects that will work to improve physical activity and nutrition; reduce obesity; and prevent and control diabetes, heart disease, and stroke in areas where adult obesity rates are high.
    Geographic coverage: Available in 17 states.
    Application Deadline: Aug 2, 2016
    Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  1. USDA Announces New Assistance to Help Rural Utility Customers Conserve Energy, Lower Bills

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced a new program that will help rural residents conserve energy and save money on their utility bills. The new Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) will make $52 million in loans available to energy providers to help rural families and small businesses reduce their energy use. RESP will provide loans to rural energy providers who in turn fund projects for consumers to make energy efficiency improvements in their homes or businesses that will lower their energy use. Eligible applicants include current and former http://www.rd.usda.gov/about-rd/agencies/rural-utilities-service" target="extWindow" title="Opens in new window.">Rural Utilities Service (RUS) borrowers, subsidiaries of current or former RUS borrowers, and entities that provide retail electric service in rural areas.

RESP borrowers finance loans at zero percent interest for up to 20 years, making the program an attractive and affordable option to finance energy-saving measures. Energy customers participating in programs financed through RESP then repay the loans at an interest rate of up to 3 percent for up to 10 years through their electric bills. RESP builds upon the work that USDA Rural Development has done to help improve the energy efficiency of single- and multi-family housing, businesses, farms and utilities. It aligns with the Obama Administration's http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?navid=STRIKE_FORCE">StrikeForce for Rural Growth and Opportunity and http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?navid=promisezones">Promise Zone initiatives to help revitalize communities and expand economic opportunity through targeted funding, technical assistance and partnerships. RESP will be used to focus on low-income, high-energy-cost communities.

  1. USDA Announces over $8M in Payments to Support Biofuel Production

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the USDA is investing $8.8 million to boost the production of advanced biofuels and sustain jobs at renewable energy facilities in 39 states. The funding is being provided through USDA's Advanced Biofuel Payment Program, which was established in the 2008 Farm Bill.



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