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Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership
This Center for Indian Country Development of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Enterprise Community Partners publication aims to support leaders with homeownership resources and programs.

2019 National Tribal and Rural Training Needs Assessment
Center for Best Practices in Law Enforcement, Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium reports findings from a survey of rural and tribal first response organizations to help better understand training needs and delivery preferences.

Food Systems & Investment Tools
Council of Development Finance Agencies white paper focusing on investment tools, which work to fill the capital stack for businesses and projects by incentivizing and enabling investment in construction, equipment, machinery, technology, and other major development. It explains New Markets Tax Credits, Historic Preservation Tax Credits, State Tax Credit Programs, and Opportunity Zones.

Accessing the Internet in Rural America
Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy weighs in on how rural areas lag behind urban areas in gaining high-speed internet access by analyzing recent data, including subscription rates and how it impacts rural development. 

Event Opportunities

Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Program Review
November 18 – 21 | Lakewood, CO
Department of Energy’s Office of Indian Energy hosts the annual Program Review as an opportunity for Indian tribes to network with other tribes that are pursuing energy self-sufficiency. The 2019 Program Review will feature project status updates from tribes across the nation who are leveraging Office of Indian Energy grant funding to deploy energy technologies or initiate the first steps to energy development.

Tribal Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance: Using Data to Drive Policies and Programs
November 19 | Free Webinar
Center for Disease Control seminar on policies affecting rural tribal Youth health on behaviors and experiences that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults.

Health Resources & Services Administration Virtual Job Fair for Rural Sites
November 20 | Free Virtual Event
Health Resources and Services Administration provides this virtual resource for rural areas to connect healthcare sites with job-seeking primary care trainees and practicing clinicians.

Western Governors Association Webinar: Broadband Deployment in Tribal Communities
November 21 | Free Webinar
Panelists will discuss broadband infrastructure challenges affecting tribal communities and highlight how creative uses of wireless spectrum can help close the digital divide in these areas. 

Remaking The Economy In Indian Country
November 21 | Free Webinar
Topics outline the importance of linking economic development and cultural strategies: Rebuilding food sovereignty, rediscovering pre-contact indigenous foods, ways to build urban-rural links in the food system, food hubs and urban markets, fair pricing and using co-op strategies to help Native practitioners earn the true value of their labor.

2020 Agricultural Outlook Forum
February 20-21 | Arlington, VA
Join this important event to discuss key issues and emerging opportunities, book the pre-forum field trip, or apply for the USDA Future Leaders in Agriculture Program. Follow the conversation at #AgOutlook on USDA’s Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.



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