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http://www.hpj.com/ag_news/usda-combating-the-opioid-crisis-in-rural-america/article_66943be6-df87-11e8-9c3a-0f17c3a37f75.html">USDA combating the opioid crisis in rural America
By Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett | High Plains Journal

In small towns from the heartland to the coasts, there is a growing threat to economic prosperity in rural America: the misuse of prescription pain medicine, otherwise known as opioids, and other addictive substances. Our nation is in the midst of a crisis. While no corner of the country has gone untouched by this epidemic, rural communities like Garden Plain, a farm town of just 890 people in south central Kansas, have been particularly hard hit. In October of last year, President Donald J. Trump declared war on the opioid epidemic and directed an all-hands team to respond with every available resource. With that call to action, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue ensured the United States Department of Agriculture is on the front lines of this crisis as a committed partner to rural communities. As we carry out our core mission of increasing rural prosperity, the opioid epidemic and the broader issue of substance misuse in rural America is more than a health issue; this is a matter of rural prosperity that threatens the economic fabric of small towns across our country.

https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/updates/forward?utm_source=racupdate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=update103118&item=27801&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fmedia%2Fpress-releases%2F2018%2F10%2F30%2Fusda-and-ondcp-unveil-latest-tool-help-rural-communities-address&k=6StBW">USDA and ONDCP Unveil Latest Tool to Help Rural Communities Address the Opioid Epidemic
The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) have released the https://www.rd.usda.gov/files/RuralResourceGuide.pdf">Rural Resource Guide to Help Communities Address Substance Use Disorder and Opioid Misuse, a list of federal programs that can be used to build resilient communities and address opioid misuse in rural areas.

http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019kR_iJCz-Wh3ZycHGnKdIjQVXL_GnGYfacjpykSTl_EgbbJqyFXfKGUAkkzaBlSfyDlvmg68BwE9d9Zf7T_z4hqCblPQJNrl82LlvGLYgSj0XyUfZH9__t8YsPkVKfiWeVm8NHUA8vYBGCikyjqFeJ5Y0XKQYPE2OvFNrMlFayfK0EJj_JR7rzHTQ-I58mW3qb-1So9-A_V6LeoKkhuBYmwSJoCCaqVRRsOnxEONT6WMzknqBD5tU9vcEe4Ndt7uwQBA_w3LpgA3UB3JNOPh2g==&c=VttDwe12hVN8OmShf-CoeI8rSXlRuSFy1_tz4orgH3Uf3d4UyLLkKQ==&ch=I6ZZecxJQH5N4fkApPZg6eMEl-MYB_vZcLczJj2RAM1Ne4tITMv4pg==">Rural education levels are increasing, but still lag behind urban areas
Although the overall educational attainment of rural adults has increased markedly over time, the share of adults with at least a bachelor’s degree is still higher in urban areas. Between 2000 and 2016, the share of urban adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher grew from 26 percent to 33 percent, while in rural areas the share grew from 15 percent to 19 percent. This gap may be partly due to the higher pay premiums offered in urban areas to workers with college degrees. Also, between 2000 and 2016, the share of rural adults with less than a high school diploma or equivalent decreased from 24 percent to 14 percent. That decline closed the rural-urban gap in high school completion rates: over the same period, the share of urban adults without a high school degree or equivalent fell from 19 percent to 12 percent.

http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uJyIiXdlZI5iEae1goYe1ZFoSE215Et6uoAaeSRrKDTzoSWYIl0BXrKSsCYoiHl_jzCAzy3rwFpfqQA7Rs0UifPMQGtD3ay71H6mWJR-jwYf0OziIYyHT-uAaI2Q68UdBMZOAgVQQtnwFLY_AuX3M7peKN0VfabZYwInpN9iV6SYsiZs6GwEdog60WQBM-9gT3w2gDhFlHmqt5df_Af1lL8l0YUMhmxjfPbG38WS8iru4AjwGC6H_l5scjD4wUqgR5aZiTBNaxRQ_xdsgINXQA==&c=T8lgApETHmUWYakkMBF8vXgSm2w5l_3vJ9sQunyAjC-iHyQdQW4aZA==&ch=cTLd6o-hHCRqHY35c4Bzn8uzB2h4_wcB2ii0eWhkUZDdfOBrml8MVQ==">Prevalence of food insecurity varied by household characteristics in 2017
While the majority of U.S. households are food secure, a minority experience food insecurity at times during the year, meaning their access to adequate food for active, healthy living is limited by a lack of money or other resources. Some households experience very low food security, a more severe range of food insecurity, where the food intake of one or more household members is reduced and normal eating patterns are disrupted. Food insecurity includes both very low food security and low food security. In 2017, 11.8 percent of all U.S households were food insecure. The prevalence of food insecurity was substantially higher for low-income households; 36.8 percent of households with incomes below the Federal poverty line were food insecure. Among all U.S. households, food insecurity rates were the highest for single-mother households (30.3 percent) and lowest for multiple-adult households with no children (7.7 percent).

Events and Learning

https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7387708080548459522">November Restoring Neighborhoods Task Force webinar
National Housing Coalition will host the November Restoring Neighborhoods Task Force webinar November 7, 2018 at 2:00PM EST.  The webinar will feature Alan Mallach of the Center for Community Progress discussing his report, https://rurallisc.cmail19.com/t/r-l-jjuljihy-hikdlkyuih-yh/">“The Empty House Next Door.” The report explores vacancy by defining what is meant by a “vacant” property, what constitutes a “healthy” vacancy rate, how vacant properties are measured and why properties become vacant and abandoned.

https://rurallisc.cmail19.com/t/r-l-jjuljihy-hikdlkyuih-jl/">Going Big in Small Places: Millennials Make Their Mark in America’s Towns
A webinar “Going Big in Small Places: Millennials Make Their Mark in America’s Towns” which is part of the Orton Family Foundation’s series, “Heart & Soul Talks” will be held November 14, 2018 at 1:00 PM EST. The Daily Yonder is a co-sponsor of the webinar, along with the Citizen’s Institute for Rural Design. Ben Winchester, senior research fellow, University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Community Vitality, will be joined three Millennials who are finding opportunity and community in small towns and rural areas – Whitney Kimball Coe of Athens, Tennessee, Brittany Grimes of Galesburg, Illinois, and Bree Henderson of Laconia, New Hampshire.

https://rurallisc.cmail19.com/t/r-l-jjuljihy-hikdlkyuih-jr/">How to Do Creative Placemaking Webinar Series
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has announced the “How to Do Creative Placemaking” webinar series, hosted in partnership with Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and supported by the NEA and The Kresge Foundation. Beginning in November 2018 and continuing through the spring of 2019, six monthly webinars will offer practical advice to help local practitioners meet the challenges of collaborative creative placemaking work. The first webinar in the series, Setting the Table: Developing Partnerships & Shared Values, takes place on Wednesday, November 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM EST and features Julie Garreau, executive director of Cheyenne River Youth Project.

https://www.workforcegps.org/events/2018/10/23/13/18/Our-Journey-Together-Work-Experiences-in-Rural-Areas-Corps-and-Workforce-Partnerships">Our Journey Together, Work Experiences in Rural Areas: Corps and Workforce Partnerships
The Division of Youth Services’ technical assistance (TA) series, Our Journey Together, provides support to workforce system professionals across the nation operating Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) youth programs.  This webinar will focus on rural work experiences for WIOA Youth program participants through a corps model. November 19 | 2:00PM – 3:30PM EST

https://rurallisc.cmail19.com/t/r-l-jjuljihy-hikdlkyuih-jt/">Partnering With Community Webinar
“Partnering With Community” a webinar sponsored by County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, will be held November 20, 2018, at 3:00 PM EST. In 2017, Allen County, Kansas was recognized for their community transformation with a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. At the heart of a communities’ efforts to improve health, is a commitment to authentically engage and partner with the community’s best asset – its people. Allen County offers an example of how a community working together to harness the collective power of leaders, partners, and residents can create the conditions to give everyone a fair and just opportunity for health. For a sneak peek, watch a short video https://rurallisc.cmail19.com/t/r-l-jjuljihy-hikdlkyuih-jj/">here.

https://broadbandusa.ntia.doc.gov/">Broadband USA Webinar Series
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), as part of its BroadbandUSA program, will host a series of webinars on a monthly basis to engage the public and stakeholders with information to accelerate broadband connectivity, improve digital inclusion, strengthen policies and support local priorities. The Practical Broadband Conversations webinar series will provide an ongoing source of information on a range of topics and issues being addressed by BroadbandUSA, including but not limited to best practices for improving broadband deployment, digital inclusion, workforce skills, and e-government. BroadbandUSA will hold the webinars from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the third Wednesday of every month, beginning October 17, 2018 and continuing through September 18, 2019. NTIA will post the registration information on its BroadbandUSA website under Events.



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