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Health-e-Schools - A telehealth program delivering health services to students in rural schools.

Using IT to Impact Population Health in Rural Communities
Jul 9, 2015 -- Video describes the work of the Critical Access Hospital Network of Eastern Washington and how they are using an innovative technological solution that utilizes data to drive service delivery and outcomes. Source: Hospitals & Health Networks

USDA Proposes New Ways to Help Meet Nutrition Needs of Low-Income, Homebound Seniors and People with Disabilities
Jul 13, 2015 -- Announces a policy to improve access to groceries for homebound seniors and people with disabilities by allowing grocery purchasing and delivery services run by government and non-profit organizations to accept SNAP benefits as payment. Source: United States Department of Agriculture


Large foundation grants to local nonprofit organizations vary widely across counties

From 2005 to 2010, there was wide variation across both metro and nonmetro counties in the real value of grants per person received from large foundations (based on Foundation Center data on grants by the largest 1,200 to 1,400 foundations). Regionally, the highest levels of grant funding per person were in the Northeast, North and South Carolina, upper Midwest, and West, while much of the Great Plains and South had smaller averages. During 2005-10, 14 percent of counties had no organizations that received grants from large foundations (though these counties may have benefited from grants to organizations based in other locations); 18 percent of nonmetro counties and 6 percent of metro counties had no large-foundation grant recipients. The average real value of grants received per person during this period across all counties (including those without any organizations that received grants) was about $124 per person (in 2010 dollars), averaging about $88 per person in nonmetro counties and $192 per person in metro counties.

A map can be found in the ERS report, Foundation Grants to Rural Areas From 2005 to 2010: Trends and Patterns, June 2015.

Nearly one-third of SNAP participants use someone else’s car, walk, bike, or take public transit for their grocery shopping

Data from USDA’s new National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (or FoodAPS) show that most U.S. households use their own vehicles for their primary food shopping. However, households that participate in USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are more likely to rely on someone else’s car, walk, bike, or take public transit than households with incomes above the poverty thresholds. Sixty-eight percent of SNAP participants used their own cars for food shopping, compared to 83 percent of non-SNAP households with incomes between 101 and 185 percent of poverty and 95 percent of households with incomes above 185 percent of poverty. Travel modes of non-participants with income below the poverty line are similar to those of SNAP households. Among SNAP households, 19 percent reported using someone else’s car to do their primary shopping, and 13 percent walked, biked, or used a shuttle or public transportation. How one travels to a grocery store can influence what gets purchased; traveling by bus or walking limits purchases to what can be carried or pulled in a cart. A person needing to borrow someone else’s car—or share a ride to a store—may not be able to shop as frequently or at the times when food supplies are running low. A chart can be found on the ERS report, Where Do Americans Usually Shop for Food and How Do They Travel to Get There?, March 2015.

ETA, NAWB and The Corps Network Release “Snapshot: Youth Corps and Workforce Partnerships”

The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA), the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), and The Corps Network (TCN) have released Snapshot: Youth Corps and Workforce Partnerships. The document is research-based and provides information on how Corps and workforce systems can collaborate and best utilize resources to engage youth in comprehensive programming and reconnect to education and the workforce. Snapshot: Youth Corps and Workforce Partnerships is available to download at The Corps Network’s website and the National Association of Workforce Board’s website. 


NADO Research Foundation Launches New Website of Resources for Planning and Economic Development in Rural Regions and Small Towns 
The NADO Research Foundation has developed a new website Planning for Prosperity in Small Towns and Rural Regions that contains materials developed over the past four years by NADO and its partners through the HUD Sustainable Communities Initiative capacity building program.  On the website, you’ll find links to publications, webinars, workshop materials, and other information on a variety of topics and themes including economic resilience, entrepreneurship, community engagement, downtown redevelopment, food systems, and many other areas.  While designed initially to assist the SCI grantee communities, these materials should be helpful to planners, economic developers, elected officials, and local residents working to improve and strengthen their small towns and rural regions.  Click here to visit the site.  Please direct any questions to NADO Program Manager Brett Schwartz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

What Works? Strategies to Improve Rural Health
A guide for rural community health improvement. Explains how to find strategies that are likely to be effective. Identifies interventions related to health behaviors, healthcare access and quality, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. Organization: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Date: 07 / 2015


WEBINAR: The Impact of Shale Energy Development on Food Access in Rural Communities - August 18, 2015 (Tuesday), 2:00 PM – Eastern Time

Michael Betz and Jill Clark (The Ohio State University)  https://connect.msu.edu/ncrcrd There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar

About the webinar:  The shale energy boom is dramatically changing the face of rural America and previous research has demonstrated that local food environments have significant implications for individual health outcomes and community wellbeing. Much work has been done to estimate the economic and environmental impacts of shale energy development, yet little empirical work has assessed its impact on the food environment. Increased demand associated with population and income influxes from shale development is likely changing the retail landscape in shale communities. Yet, it is unclear what kind of retail food establishments are emerging in those communities and how shale development has changed the food environment for original residents. Increased retail grocery options would likely improve access to healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. However, given the transient nature of many oil and gas workers, fast food and convenience establishments may be more likely to enter shale communities. We use business establishment data to determine what kinds of retail establishments have moved into Pennsylvania following the shale boom between 2007-2012. Our findings have implications for policy leaders facing challenges to sustainably develop shale resources in their communities.

To facilitate Q&A’s, participants submit questions/comments via the Chat Function in Adobe Connect.  NOTE: Adobe Connect is not compatible with CHROME – use either EI or Firefox as your browser.

The webinar will be recorded and archived at http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/ncrcrd/chronological_archive.



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