Funding Opportunities
Rural Infrastructure
Business and Industry (B&I) CARES Act Program
USDA is making available up to $1 billion in loan guarantees to help rural businesses meet their working capital needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, agricultural producers that are not eligible for USDA Farm Service Agency loans may receive funding under USDA B&I CARES Act Program provisions included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Webinar for Lenders and Webinar for Businesses and Producers. Application Deadline: September 15, 2021, or until funds are expended.
FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Fund
The Federal Communications Commission is providing funding to bring high-speed, fixed broadband service to rural homes and small businesses that lack access. Application Deadline: October 22, 2020
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities and Flood Mitigation Assistance
FEMA’s two mitigation grant programs provide states, local communities, tribes and territories funding for eligible mitigation activities to strengthen our nation’s ability to build a culture of preparedness by reducing disaster losses and protecting life and property from future disaster damages. Application Deadline: January 29, 2021
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program
USDA Rural Development provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. Application Deadline: Ongoing
FY 2020 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs The Economic Development Administration is providing resources to economically distressed communities and regions to help finance construction, non-construction, planning, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects. Application Deadline: Ongoing
Quick Links to COVID-19 Resources Related to Rural Infrastructure:
- COVID-19 Rural Telehealth Factsheet
- Federal Communications Commission COVID-19 Telehealth Program
- Department of Transportation Coronavirus COVID-19 Response
- National Institute of Standards and Technology COVID-19 Resources
Economic Development
Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants
The Environmental Protection Agency offers workforce grants and encourages applicants to develop their brownfield cleanup curricula to be based on local labor market assessments and employers’ hiring needs while delivering comprehensive training that results in graduates securing multiple certifications to enter the workforce. Application Deadline: September 22, 2020
The Cooperative Education Fund
The Cooperative Development Foundation offers support for cooperative development with educational resources, sponsors research, and educational programs to strengthen and expand cooperatively owned businesses. Application Deadline: October 1, 2020.
HRSA Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children
The Health Resources and Services Administration will fund innovative, community-based initiatives to improve the health status of infants, children, adolescents, and families in rural and other underserved communities. Application Deadline: October 6, 2020
The Rural Tech Project
U.S. Department of Education offers funding and a challenge to advance high-quality technology instruction in rural communities specific to supporting high schools and local educational agencies to develop competency-based distance learning programs. Application Deadline: October 8, 2020
Strengthening Community Colleges
U.S. Department of Labor program designed to build capacity in community colleges by collaborating with employers and the public workforce to meet labor market demands by increasing capacity, developing skills and mitigating challenges associated with the COVID-19 that necessitate social distancing practices and expanding online learning. Application Deadline: October 8, 2020
Quick Links to COVID-19 Resources to Support Rural Economic Development:
- USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
- NIH Community Interventions to Address COVID-19 Pandemic
- U.S. Department of Labor COVID-19 Resources
- Appalachian Regional Commission Coronavirus Resources
- Small Business Administration Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources
- U.S. Department of Treasury CARES Act Assistance
- Minority Business Development Agency
- Federal Reserve Bank Main Street Lending Program