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NOAA Announces Funding Opportunity “Strengthening the Public's and/or K-12 Students' Environmental Literacy for Community Resilience”

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced a Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) to strengthen the public’s and/or K-12 students’ environmental literacy to enable informed decision-making necessary for community resilience to extreme weather events and other environmental hazards. Many U.S. communities are contending with issues related to preventing, withstanding, and recovering from disruptions caused by environmental threats and vulnerabilities. These threats and vulnerabilities include but are not limited to severe storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, heavy precipitation events, persistent drought, heat waves, increased global temperatures, acidification of the ocean, and sea level rise. Eligible applicants for this funding opportunity are limited to institutions of higher education; other nonprofits, including informal education institutions such as museums, zoos, and aquariums; K-12 public and independent schools and school systems; and state, local and Indian tribal governments in the United States.

Proposals Due: February 8, 2016

Informational Teleconferences: January 5, 2016

U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation

The U.S. Department of Justice announced the opening of the grant solicitation period for comprehensive funding to American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and tribal consortia to support public safety, victim services and crime prevention improvements. For the FY 2016 CTAS, a tribe or tribal consortium will submit a single application and select from any or all of the nine competitive grant programs referred to as “purpose areas.”  This approach allows the department’s grant-making components to consider the totality of a tribal nation’s overall public safety needs. Read DOJ’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). Read the CTAS fact sheet. Tribes or tribal consortia may also be eligible for non-tribal, government-specific (non-CTAS) federal grant programs and are encouraged to explore other funding opportunities for which they may be eligible. Additional funding information may be found at the Department of Justice’s Tribal Justice and Safety website.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program

The USDA Rural Development Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP) program provides eligible utilities with low-cost federal financing for energy efficiency and conservation in rural communities of a population of 20,000 or less.  Utility borrowers design their own Energy Efficiency programs and can re-lend Rural Development funds to end-users to meet their energy needs. Borrowers can also upgrade their systems to furnish the energy needs of their customers more efficiently. Learn more about the EECLP program.

More information is available on the USDA Rural Development website.


Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration FY 2016 Economic Development Assistance Programs

The Economic Development Administration's (EDA's) mission is to lead the Federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for economic growth and success in the worldwide economy. EDA fulfills this mission through strategic investments and partnerships that create the regional economic ecosystems required to foster globally competitive regions throughout the United States. EDA supports development in economically distressed areas of the United States by fostering job creation and attracting private investment. Specifically, under the Economic Development Assistance programs (EDAP) Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) announcement, EDA will make construction, non-construction, and revolving loan fund investments under the Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) Programs. Grants made under these programs will leverage regional assets to support the implementation of regional economic development strategies designed to create jobs, leverage private capital, encourage economic development, and strengthen America's ability to compete in the global marketplace. Through the EDAP FFO, EDA solicits applications from rural and urban communities to develop initiatives that advance new ideas and creative approaches to address rapidly evolving economic condition.

Deadline: EDA is employing a new two-phase review process for proposals/applications submitted under this FFO. There are no submission deadlines. Proposals and applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the publication of a new EDAP FFO. Proposals will be reviewed by EDA within 30 days of receipt; and following the proposal review, full applications will be reviewed within 60 days of receipt. Please see Section IV of this FFO for complete information on EDA’s two-phase review process.

Read EDA’s Funding Notice.


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Program

HUD announces the availability of new funding to help local communities across the country to redevelop severely distressed public and HUD-assisted housing and transform surrounding neighborhoods. HUD anticipates awarding approximately 4 Planning and Action Grants not to exceed $2 million each, and approximately 4 Planning Grants not to exceed $500,000 each. If funds are appropriated by Congress, HUD may, at its discretion, use additional FY2016 Choice Neighborhoods funding to make additional awards under this NOFA.Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant funds are available for public housing authorities, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and tribal entities. Applicants must submit a completed electronic application through www.grants.gov by February 9, 2016. Read HUD’s Funding Notice.



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