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Goldman Sachs to Invest $150B in Clean Energy Development

Fortune reports that financial giant Goldman Sachs is investing $150 billion in clean energy and technology projects, including wind and solar farms, energy efficiency upgrades, and power grid infrastructure.


Kresge Foundation Issues RFP for Creative Food Initiative

POSTED: November 11, 2015
DEADLINE: December 14, 2015

Grants of up to $75,000 will be awarded for the planning of place-based efforts aimed at increasing access to healthy food in cities and regional supply chains serving urban markets....

EREF Accepting Applications for Sustainable Solid Waste Management Research

The Environmental Research and Education Foundation is accepting pre-proposals for its Research in Sustainable Solid Waste Management grants program. The program supports research projects related to sustainable solid waste management practices, including waste minimization; recycling; waste conversion to energy, biofuels, chemicals, or other useful products; strategies to promote diversion to higher and better uses (e.g., organics diversion, market analysis, optimized material management, logistics, etc.); and landfilling. Desirable aspects of the above topics, in addition to or as part of hypothesis-driven applied research, also include economic or cost/benefit analyses; feasibility studies for untested technologies or management strategies; life cycle analysis or inventory, and analyses of policies that relate to the above (e.g., extended producer responsibility, recycling goals, carbon legislation, bottle bills, etc.).

RWJF Announces RFP for High-Value Innovations From Low-Resource Communities

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has issued a Request for Proposals for projects that support the identification and evaluation of promising innovations that improve health and healthcare quality — without increasing costs — in low-resource communities.

Up to ten evaluations will be funded for a total of up to $2.5 million. Priority will be given to evaluations of innovations that are set in and meant to benefit the health of people in low-resource communities; intended to substantially improve a pressing community health problem; and  recognize consumers as important arbiters of value.

Pollination Project Invites Applications From Social Entrepreneurs for Seed Grants

The Pollination Project is accepting applications from social entrepreneurs looking to make their communities and  world a better place. Seed grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to projects in the early stages of development, including those that promote compassion toward all life (people, planet, animals), environmental sustainability, justice in all its forms, community health and wellness, and social change-oriented arts and culture. Only applications for seed funding, as opposed to ongoing operational or program costs of a nonprofit organization, will be accepted.

To be eligible, applicants must be a passionate, committed individual with a social change vision that fits within one or more of the categories above. Established nonprofit organizations with paid staff will not be considered. See the Pollination Project website for complete program guidelines, examples of previously funded projects, and application instructions.

Link to Complete RFP

2015 Self-Help Homeownership (SHOP) Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announces the availability of $9,977,500 of FY2015 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) grant funds. SHOP funding is intended to facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities on a national and geographically-diverse basis. The program supports self-help housing programs that require a significant amount of sweat equity by the homebuyer toward the construction or rehabilitation of his or her home. Volunteer labor is also required.

Deadline Date: January 4, 2016

View the NOFA.

More information is available on the HUD website.


Juvenile Reentry Assistance Program (JRAP)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announces the availability of approximately $1.75 million for the Juvenile Re-entry Assistance Program (JRAP) to support successful transition to the community by reducing barriers to public housing, employment, and/or educational opportunities.HUD encourages activities in communities with Preferred Sustainability Status (PSS) and/or Promise Zones (PZ), HUD will award two (2) points for qualified activities within a designated zone or area and supporting either or both initiative(s).

Deadline: January 4, 2016

View the NOFA.

More information is available on the HUD website.

Training to Work 3 – Adult Reentry Grants

The U.S. Department of Labor announces the availability of approximately $20 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Second Chance Act of 2007 for Training to Work 3 – Adult Reentry. As a participant in the Promise Zone Initiative, DOL is cooperating with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, and nine (9) other federal agencies to support comprehensive revitalization efforts in 20 of the highest poverty urban, rural and tribal communities across the country. Applicants that submit a certification (HUD Form 50153) signed by an authorized representative of the lead organization of a Promise Zone designated by HUD or the Department of Agriculture supporting the application will receive 2 priority consideration points.

Deadline: January 15, 2016

View the NOFA.

More information is available on the DOL website.

National Endowment for the Arts

The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design (CIRD) has issued a request for proposals to rural communities interested in applying for funding to host a community design workshop in either 2016 or 2017. The communities will receive additional support through webinars, conference calls, and web-based resources on www.rural-design.org.

Deadline: Proposals must be submitted by 11:00 PM EST on January 12, 2016.

The Request for Proposals is posted on the CIRD website.

Federal Partners Announce Availability of Program Support for State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships

The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in partnership with national organizations are pleased to announce a new opportunity for states needing targeted program support aimed at strengthening state-level collaboration between health and housing agencies to bring to scale permanent supportive housing (PSH) by coordinating housing resources with Medicaid-covered housing-related services. The Administration is committed to bringing to scale the cost-effective, evidence-based solution known as PSH toend chronic homelessness in 2017, as well as to support the community integrationfor people with long-term services and supports needs. USICH, HUD, and HHS recognize that access to affordable, stable housing and access to coordinated and comprehensive health care services will improve health outcomes for Medicaid beneficiaries and lower health care and other public services costs for states and communities. To apply, state Medicaid, housing, and behavioral health agencies should work collaboratively to complete the Expression of Interest by December 1, 2015. The Expression of Interest form can be found in the announcement made by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of coordinated program support being offered through their Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Small Buildings Risk Sharing Initiative

 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is inviting Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to apply for its Small Buildings Risk Sharing (SBRS) Initiative. The purpose of SBRS is to support and encourage the production and preservation of affordable housing. The program provides insurance and reinsurance for multifamily housing projects whose loans are originated, underwritten, serviced, and disposed of by approved lenders, including CDFIs. CDFIs and other lenders participating in the SBRS may elect to access low-cost fixed-rate long-term financing through the Federal Financing Bank (FFB). FFB pricing will be benchmarked to comparable Ginnie Mae securities.

To learn more about SBRS, the benefits of the program, and how to apply, please visit the program's website. More information can also be found in HUD's press release about the Initiative.

$118 Million Public-Private Effort for Women, Girls of Color Launched

Backed by more than $100 million in initial funding commitments, the White House has announced a new public-private initiative aimed at improving the lives of women and girls of color.




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