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Kentucky Department for Public Health

Healthy Communities Grant Program

Pedestrian Plan Mini Grants - Training & Funding Opportunity

Deadline for Applications: Midnight Local Time, Monday, October 12, 2015

Take the first step to making your community more walkable.

The Kentucky Department for Public Health, Healthy Communities Grant Program is seeking applications from local health departments and their partners to develop a community pedestrian plan that supports accessible and affordable active transportation options for all users. A pedestrian plan is a detailed work plan that engages community members to identify priorities for creating a safe, attractive walking and biking environment for people of all ages and abilities.

Two levels of funding will be awarded. Applicants must choose Level 1 OR Level 2 funding.

  • Level 1: Introduction to Pedestrian/Bicycle Planning
  • Level 2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan Development


  • Kentucky local health departments must be the fiscal agent.
  • Attend in-person Pedestrian Plan training with a minimum of two stakeholders for Level 1 training OR Level 2 training. (Dates to be announced.)
  • A $500 in-kind or cash match is required.
  • Funding cannot be used for construction or food for meeting purposes.
  • Funding may be used for the development of the plan, meeting expenses and travel costs. A maximum of 50% of grant funds may be used for staff time.
  • Spend funding by June 30, 2016.
  • Submit brief final report (template will be provided) and your community’s pedestrian plan by August 15, 2016.

Level 1: Introduction to Pedestrian/Bicycle Planning

Training will be provided for community stakeholders on the basics of developing a pedestrian and bicycle plan on a small scale (one to six blocks).  Technical assistance and networking will be provided throughout the grant period. By the end of the grant period grantees will have a completed Pedestrian/Bicycle Plan for one small scale project.

  • Awardees will meet with stakeholders to develop purpose and need statement before training. If available, include the following stakeholders/partners:
  • Attend in-person training with two or more stakeholders. (Date to be announced.)
  • Identify target location and population for pedestrian plan survey.
  • Meet with stakeholders to identify priority projects and develop the pedestrian plan.
  • Publicly post the final plan on an established and public-accessed website, Facebook page etc.
  • Continue to share plan with the community through same format as the survey was shared.
  • Engage local government officials to adopt pedestrian plan.
  • Your community will have completed the first step to a walkable community by June 2016!
  • Level 1 funding is available for six $1,000 mini grants.

Level 2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan Development

Training will be provided for community stakeholders on process to develop a full master plan for alternative modes of transportation.  Technical assistance and networking will be provided throughout the grant period. By the end of the grant period grantees will have tools and resources necessary to complete a Master Pedestrian/Bicycle Plan.

  • Attend in-person training with two or more stakeholders. (Date to be announced.) Training will include:
    • Defining project vision and goals
    • Partner engagement strategies
    • Inventory mapping of community resources
    • Community assets (historical landmarks, schools, parks, grocery, businesses, churches etc. )
    • Current paths for alternative modes of transportation (walking, biking, equestrian etc.)
    • Potential linkages within the community and  to regional trails or assets
    • Identifying and analyzing challenges, concerns, or opportunities
    • Priority setting and consensus building
  • Meet with stakeholders to identify priority projects and develop the master plan. If available, include the following stakeholders/partners:
  • Publicly post the final plan on an established website, Facebook page etc.
  • Continue to share plan with the community through same format as the pedestrian plan survey was shared
  • Engage local government officials to adopt pedestrian plan
  • Level 2 funding is available for six $3,000 mini grants

Application requirements:

Level 1:

  • Submit a description of your community’s need and readiness in 500 words or less. (50 points)
  • Submit a list of stakeholders who will be attending the in-person training (20 points)
  • Submit a Letter of Commitment from at least 3 stakeholders. (30 points)

Level 2:

  • Submit your communities current need and purpose statement.
  • Submit a description of your community’s readiness and current project accomplishments in 1000 words or less. (50 points)
  • Submit a list of stakeholders who will be attending the in-person training. (20 points)
  • Submit a Letter of Commitment from at least 3 stakeholders. (30 points)

Submit applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Midnight Local Time, October 12, 2015.

Notification of award, Thursday, October 22, 2015.

Trainings are open to all communities not just to mini-grant recipients. Mini-grant funds can be used to offset travel costs. All training participants are encouraged to follow the steps outlined in mini-grant application.



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