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Farm to School Mini-grants—Coming soon!

The National Farm to School Network is pleased to announce a new mini-grant program in Kentucky as part of Seed Change, an initiative aimed at changing the dynamics of farm to school at the state level to support better health outcomes for children and economic opportunities for farmers. These mini-grants will support existing farm to school activities or jumpstart planning and implementation of future farm to school activities at the school site or district level.

All schools and school districts in Kentucky will be eligible to apply for a $5,000 grant to support activities such as local food purchasing for student tastings, school garden activities, nutrition education, kitchen equipment, food service staff training and more. Lead applicants must be employed by the school or school district. School food service staff, teachers, administrators, and school garden or farm to school coordinators are ideal candidates. Grants will be awarded based on the strength of the application, activities proposed, and demonstrated support from the community. Other considerations will include distribution of grants across urban, suburban, rural, and tribal schools.

Schools and school districts are encouraged to begin conversations with school and community partners now to develop strong proposals for this mini-grant opportunity.

Allowable uses of grant funds will include, but are not limited to:

  • Purchasing local food for taste tests
  • Purchasing food processing equipment (or other      kitchen equipment)
  • Compensating farm to school and/or school      gardening coordination
  • Hosting events (local food days; skill      building workshops for food service; teachers or students; fundraisers;      contests)
  • Supporting school garden activities (including      purchasing equipment)
  • Providing nutrition, food and/or agriculture      education sessions, either in or outside of the classroom
  • Developing and promoting a Harvest of the      Month program
  • Promotional or awareness raising activities      and/or materials
  • Providing transportation for farm field trips
  • Hosting school or district-wide National Farm      to School Month celebrations (October)
  • Addressing farm to school in wellness policies
  • Other activities that fit under the three core      elements of farm to school– local food procurement, food and farm      education, and gardening

Note: School districts must have completed the USDA Farm to School Census 2015 in order to be eligible to apply.

Look for complete grant guidelines and link to the online application early May 2015.

Thanks to the Walmart Foundation for funding Seed Change in Kentucky and supporting these mini-grants.

For more information visit: www.farmtoschool.org/seedchange



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