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Unconventional Success
Mar 15, 2015 -- Describes the unique success of a partnership between two Critical Access Hospitals and several outreach clinics that provide specialty services to a rural region in Iowa which has brought financial stability to both facilities and their communities. Source: The Globe Gazette

Practicing Rural Health Care Right Here at Home
Mar 5, 2015 -- Describes the efforts of a residency program in Hendersonville, North Carolina, that is preparing primary care physicians to serve in rural parts of the state. Highlights the challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned in addressing primary care workforce shortages. Source: North Carolina Health News

Farmers’ markets, other local food marketing channels show strong growth

Local foods is one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture, and the number of local food marketing outlets is increasing. Growing demand for local foods in the United States is, at least in part, the result of consumer interest in environmental and community concerns, including supporting local farmers/economies and increasing access to healthful foods. American farmers and consumers are increasingly finding more opportunities to sell and buy food locally. As of 2014, there were 8,268 farmers’ markets in the United States, up 180 percent since 2007, despite no growth in real farmer-to-consumer (direct) sales between 2007 and 2012. Local food sales may be increasingly indirect, that is through intermediaries rather than farmer-to-consumer. The number of regional food hubs, (enterprises that aggregate locally sourced food to meet wholesale, retail, institutional and even individual demand) has increased almost threefold since 2007, to a total of 302 in 2014. Farm to school programs have multiple objectives, ranging from nutrition education to serving locally-sourced food in school meals. According to the USDA Farm to School Census, 4,322 school districts have farm to school programs, a 430-percent increase since 2007. A chart can be found in the ERS report, Trends in U.S. Local and Regional Food Systems: A Report to Congress, AP-068, January 2015.

Urban Land Institute Releases New Toolkit on Strategies to Enhance Health Outcomes Through the Built Environment   
The Urban Land Institute has released a new toolkit, Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Built Environment, that outlines 21 practical, evidence-based recommendations that the development community can use to promote health at the building or project scale. The recommendations, based on the latest documentation of the need for and impact of building for health, were formulated to help developers, owners, property managers, designers, and investors understand opportunities to integrate health promoting practices into real estate development.  The release of the report is in response to declining health trends in the United States and other countries around the world, with many of the conditions linked to past land use decisions that limited options for healthy, active living environments.  Click here to download the report.  Click here to download a poster with a summary of the 21 recommendations. 

Green Infrastructure and the Sustainable Communities Initiative.  This report showcases the climate and economic resilience benefits of green infrastructure in 30 grantee communities.  In the coming months, we will publish additional reports and fact sheets that summarize lessons learned and best practices across the grant program.


Economic Developers—This Talk’s for You!

Join a lively one-hour call and learn how Community Heart & Soul™, the Orton Family Foundation’s signature approach to planning and community development, offers a way to involve everyone—from business owners to neighbors—in planning and development that leads to lasting results. You’ll hear from community development experts who have seen first-hand the transformation that happens when resident-driven economic development takes effect, reducing risk for developers, increasing investor confidence and making possibilities happen in a way that benefits community members and investors, alike. The call includes time for audience Q & A.

Featured speakers are: Jared Duval, economic development director, Vermont Department of Economic Development and Orton Family Foundation trustee; Daniel Stevenson, director of economic and community development, Biddeford, Maine, and Patrick Wright, executive director, Gardiner Main Street, Gardiner, Maine.

Heart & Soul for Economic Development: Why Broad Community Engagement Leads to Revitalization, 4-5 p.m., Eastern, Thursday, April 9, Free. Register today!




Resources for Hazing Prevention on College Campuses

http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001axiA2pIPfEjrX8wAXSunGEaGcdYZnJ7enRWKyG-d4IX69eqoXZXG2s_KmJgUBSs6goJrcs6l-TBFTtD5HkVCxWo-2fS92AkI0zgadGIXTcUphXNwW3Ig-WAV3ddeX1wSbRt6gBL4mHIDV5EG4ZQCN-0s66h3ZSiBsptCrpTPdPSCc2lVhKlOWUgGp0qwwh57zebM8Ck4YZj4etSXS_7MJ_XMYBNSsjyxcbGmiuGUa1OW4mTrkheu3b6Nmk5qb-fMC5IfOwDBylyqj_poJ1lMs6ggLM85VwYWfrvgPn-luKGQdqvzCVhbRqHd-mYbIq2mBmKNlpF_tiVnBJ_HnCOUMPZb7CVMq8PT&c=8ekDcRsLamHaVv9WkL9FL64Wv2xotNrJ_VvdnrhTB9d4GKAq1uRCqw==&ch=RLrjo5wjnhm0hykdHd64GLerdIE7hxoYle3zuceFJjfIvTJNWK_WMQ==">StopHazing, an organization dedicated to research about hazing and its prevention, collects data on hazing and is developing an evidence-base for hazing prevention. It offers a range of options for institutions to collaborate, build capacity, and create momentum around hazing prevention. Upcoming opportunities include: joining the http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001axiA2pIPfEjrX8wAXSunGEaGcdYZnJ7enRWKyG-d4IX69eqoXZXG2s_KmJgUBSs6Oibsbve70Vb6Smk0-7xqNxPWhEmDQqd5A_l9PGRQFADMPAJRFyMLnRaBoZDd94qdXfk6DukrTnO0kaUWJgiCwOIBRdWO3OREX7Wc_OAwMEI8UOZfFLL6Ekkw5wd7Dl7A2U9M3Ee20A81H05hKUY_YfaZk3a5Cbd4t9zXDcsWrFnkEiKiO_7BJgOVWCpC9AQN8mKvlqxXIAFklfcTaqzV7CQoIzmPZBmZ_sgRJ__61c0eFZiWzRgiFHVoVP4N6JckIohyFFianYWHN5oox6KitvbiJPBTBBa4OuULEdPGfEX-pOC0AuVYIMPOOO_e7u33&c=8ekDcRsLamHaVv9WkL9FL64Wv2xotNrJ_VvdnrhTB9d4GKAq1uRCqw==&ch=RLrjo5wjnhm0hykdHd64GLerdIE7hxoYle3zuceFJjfIvTJNWK_WMQ==">Hazing Prevention Consortium; participating in a special Hazing Prevention Technical Assistance session at the upcoming http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001axiA2pIPfEjrX8wAXSunGEaGcdYZnJ7enRWKyG-d4IX69eqoXZXG2s_KmJgUBSs6dalbAWdyHB_pZYs7Afv12i30pHq60x8w2GXAr30BUkunZ0ufJ1nr5EYuwpPMr8Z5lolL0B7_tw-_1lfoFQ8CtX48caH6ixiWy3_NIPQBl7p0smeAbWk3mE3for65XypYUJqCA3mogPvIBxCYDXwcMp2-VgETurmT8xZZslMBLGUrk_7MpDuyKNfr6iiCGOVPbZF_3cH6z2SPO2H2z6-yq3w7-Hu2BAOMvGJlaZyJU7Kbj6iZTvXaBQ6zUqw2W0MCFU2DOpscqMzLWffPOKSbdvIZVYyIq1SnrD4itlx-jb1qyFIc-VoDtA==&c=8ekDcRsLamHaVv9WkL9FL64Wv2xotNrJ_VvdnrhTB9d4GKAq1uRCqw==&ch=RLrjo5wjnhm0hykdHd64GLerdIE7hxoYle3zuceFJjfIvTJNWK_WMQ==">NASPA meeting in New Orleans; or receiving http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001axiA2pIPfEjrX8wAXSunGEaGcdYZnJ7enRWKyG-d4IX69eqoXZXG2s_KmJgUBSs6vZyQV8YqdY5p9T2KJ0IGY9zv4ZhOwSLsZ1Dzk20v2OfLP1lMyyl1H_w1YGMxMeEqLY7mPLgFhXVaHxUtmB6D20gHoG1L61DgFKsQH578pkuny9i9s81mVUsLzcDZ2lAq6J3oWLIST37_yz8FF1eL7ZSpb6n6rmpA7mLMxOzSN6rxtXcZsIWCPL09FQHGfz-uH8RKRkBapcOZ8-ZedQKtlhB-BTF-u2S-v1r2mgwq2kK7fCoA-ykO4yDR9OQwZaeBelQpA8PBperECVmSCZF-CAYrZD7999vfI3avQ7XL0aI=&c=8ekDcRsLamHaVv9WkL9FL64Wv2xotNrJ_VvdnrhTB9d4GKAq1uRCqw==&ch=RLrjo5wjnhm0hykdHd64GLerdIE7hxoYle3zuceFJjfIvTJNWK_WMQ==">customized hazing research and prevention consultation to support hazing prevention initiatives on your campus. For more information, click http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001axiA2pIPfEjrX8wAXSunGEaGcdYZnJ7enRWKyG-d4IX69eqoXZXG2s_KmJgUBSs64OT39rQEsOVCHOG2czsMPxwVrniHjOeZaVSxlplsE7mYHCtZkYJctY0Cj6MEm4KN6zKnkcli6EcI1nHVuX6xTijGCRZiYq-9-eV1ffBeMT3QpNS4aOTJFOdfyaV41EbB4Xrj0z4hl9Wt5DAr7yYBxkZCoIOhDGTD9bNY3uJsvC7kYRkFbXKbcArKbUxjqxtxgbicpoafpoQ4B4fHItnCKE-3vHZEmn48nTVm9IIiHiiz0lwfeEOME-RYAqbd5--8IiY5ZEEQpNIIPtuP6CM-4A==&c=8ekDcRsLamHaVv9WkL9FL64Wv2xotNrJ_VvdnrhTB9d4GKAq1uRCqw==&ch=RLrjo5wjnhm0hykdHd64GLerdIE7hxoYle3zuceFJjfIvTJNWK_WMQ==">here

Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI)
Interactive web-based tool for viewing county-level health information. Offers comparisons to peer counties for key indicators related to healthcare access and quality, health behaviors, health outcomes, and other factors that impact health.
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Family Violence Prevention and Services Grants for Domestic Violence Shelters/Grants to Native American Tribes (Including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal Organizations - Application deadline: Apr 6, 2015
Grants to assist tribes in establishing, maintaining, and expanding programs and projects to prevent family violence. Sponsor: Administration for Children and Families

Environmental Protection Agency yesterday announced a funding opportunity under its Pollution Prevention (P2) Grants Program, identifying 3.9 million in funding.   Applications are due by May 14. Grants will be awarded and managed by EPA's ten Regional P2 Program Offices.  EPA’s national P2 Program is retooling the grant program for FY 2015 to address three topic areas suitable for expansion in the business community and ready for immediate implementation. The three topic areas are referred to as national P2 emphasis areas. Under each topic area, examples are provided to explain the types of activities that may be considered. Applicants are to select one or more of the identified emphasis areas as the focus of their P2 grant proposals. Please note the excerpted references below from the announcement to the establishment or maintenance of  E3 projects and support for Investing in Manufacturing Community Partnerships which both have ETA and interagency participation.

  • Creating regional manufacturing roundtables.
  • Developing community-based Economy, Energy and      Environment (E3) projects that would result in reduced generation and use      of hazardous substances, pollutants, and/or contaminants and increase      efficiency by manufacturers.
  • Focusing Economy, Energy and Environment (E3)      assessments on source reduction of food waste at one facility or at      multiple points in the supply chain through more efficient food processing      and handling of products.
  • Focusing on Economy, Energy and Environment (E3)      assessmentsconcerning GHG reductions through process and materials      substitution as well as chemical substitutions for hydrofluorocarbons and      other highly potent GHGs.

HHS/SAMHSA accepting applications for FY 15 "Now is the Time" Project AWARE-Community Grants - Application Due: Friday, May 1, 2015

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services, is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 “Now is the Time” Project AWARE-Community (Short Title: NITT-AWARE-C) grants. The purpose of this program is to support the training of teachers and a broad array of actors who interact with youth through their programs at the community level, including parents, law enforcement, faith-based leaders, and other adults, in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) or Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA). Implementation of the NITT-AWARE-C program is expected to increase the mental health literacy among youth-serving adults, policy-makers, and administrators of programs serving youth.  For more information including eligibility requirements, application and deadline, visit http://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-15-012">http://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-15-012


William T. Grant Foundation Launches Initiative on Understanding Inequality - DEADLINE: May 5, 2015

Grants of up to $600,000 will be awarded in support of research focused on the reduction of disparities in academic, behavioral, social, and economic outcomes for youth....


L'Oreal Paris Seeking Nominations for 2015 Women of Worth Awards - DEADLINE: May 15, 2015

Ten women will receive awards of $10,000 in recognition of their efforts to make a "beautiful difference" in the world through voluntarism....


National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program - Application deadline: May 7, 2015
Provides scholarships for students pursuing primary care health professions training in exchange for a service commitment in a health professional shortage area. Sponsor: National Health Service Corps

Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) - Application deadline: May 15, 2015
The goal of the Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) is to assist individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake education to enter a health profession. Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce

NURSE Corps Scholarship Program - Application deadline: May 21, 2015
Provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent), at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce

Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging Invites Nominations for Innovation in Caregiving Award - DEADLINE: June 30, 2015

Up to three award winners will receive a commemorative plaque and a check for $1,000 in recognition of an innovative idea that resulted in improvements in care and increased comfort for those receiving care....


Harpo Foundation Invites Applications for 2015 Emerging Artists Fellowship - DEADLINE: July 5, 2015

Artist fellows will receive a one-month residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute that includes a well-appointed room with private bath, a well-lit studio space, and a $500 travel stipend....

Fleishhacker Foundation Invites Applications From Bay Area Arts Organizations - DEADLINE: July 15, 2015

Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to programs in a range of disciplines, including dance, film and media arts, interdisciplinary arts, music, theater, and visual arts....

The BNSF Railway Foundation is incorporated within the State of Texas and is housed at BNSF Railway's corporate headquarters in Fort Worth. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation had been BNSF Railway's main vehicle for charitable giving since 1996 when the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroads merged to form the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, now known as the BNSF Railway. The BNSF Railway Foundation has supported and helped improve quality of life for thousands of communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Indeed, as the corporation's assets have grown, the Foundation's giving has expanded to help more and more communities.


Suzette M. Agans

Community Economic Development
Rural Development | U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. | Washington, D.C. 20250-3253
Phone: 202.401.1922 | Fax 202.401.7311



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