PZ Coordinator Speaks to the Tri Cities
By Nola Sizemore of the Harlan Daily Enterprise
Sandi Curd, Promise Zone coordinator with Kentucky Highlands Investment Corp., told members of the Tri-Cities Heritage Development Board on Wednesday that Promise Zone planning is underway. Earlier this year, an eight-county area in southeastern Kentucky was named one of five Promise Zones in the nation. The initiative will give the area a competitive advantage in applying for federal grants as well as additional assistance from various federal agencies that oversee housing, education, economic development, agriculture and safety. The Promise Zone is comprised of Harlan, Bell, Letcher, Perry, Leslie, Clay and Knox counties, as well as part of Whitley County.
Curd said the six key focus areas include creating jobs, increasing overall economic activity, improving career education opportunities, reducing drug-related problems, improving broadband access and improving healthy food access. Curd added Harlan County has two representatives on an advisory council who report directly to her. She said those two individuals are local businessman and Meridzo Ministries Director Lonnie Riley and Harlan County Judge-Executive Joe Grieshop. She said Grieshop will be replaced in January when a newly elected judge-executive takes office.