25th annual Community Foundation Week with
the release of our most recent report, A New Anchor Mission for a New Century: Community
Foundations Deploying All Resources to Build Community Wealth, authored
by Democracy Collaborative Senior Fellow Marjorie Kelly and Community
Development Associate Violeta Duncan.
Cultivating a Competitive Advantage: How Rural Counties Are Growing Economies with Local Assets and Regional Partners Case studies of rural counties using creative methods to improve their economies. Includes examples that involve the healthcare sector and address issues that impact health. Organization: National Association of Counties. Date: 11 / 2014
Rural America at a Glance, 2014 Edition Highlights indicators of social and economic conditions in rural areas. Focuses
on employment trends, poverty, population trends and educational attainment in rural versus urban areas. Organization: USDA Economic Research Service. Date: 11 / 2014
Encourage Community College Innovation To Promote Middle-Skill Career Pathways, According to Report A more innovative economy does not have to lead to greater inequality, as long as educational pathways exist for middle-skill workers, according to a new report from Jobs for the Future and Achieving the Dream. The groups' Middle-Skill STEM State Policy Framework provides a set of strategic goals for states to link the community college experience with the
Funding Opportunities Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Program
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants support the implementation of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans that are expected to achieve the following three core goals: