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Suzette Letter November 7, 2014

Federal and State institutions fund and conduct public agricultural R&D

In 2012, U.S. public sector agricultural research and development (R&D) investment totaled about $4.7 billion. After adjusting for inflation, this represents a decline of nearly 25 percent since the mid-2000s. Expenditures for State Agricultural Experiment Stations and other State-based cooperating institutions accounted for a little under two-thirds of
all public agricultural R&D, while USDA agencies accounted for the remaining third. Internal funding sources account for almost all of USDA's in-house R&D expenditures while State institutions rely on a variety of funding sources. USDA-administered funding to States was about $660 million in 2012. Of this, there were two notable funding streams: $284 million in "formula funds," and $189 million in competitive grants for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. In 2012, State appropriations provided $1.1 billion in State R&D funds, while non-USDA Federal agencies provided about $550 million, and private industry, product sales, and other non-Federal sources provided about $750 million. A chart updates can be found in the Amber Waves finding, "Sources of Public Agricultural R&D Changing," June 2007.

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Suzette Letter October 31, 2104

FTA Publishes Guidance on Implementation on Section 5311 Rural Area Formula Program

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has placed in the docket and on its Web site, guidance in the form of a circular to assist grantees in implementing the Section 5311 Rural Area Formula Program. The purpose of the circular is to provide recipients of FTA financial assistance with updated instructions and guidance on program administration and the grant application process. The revisions to FTA Circular 9040.1F are a result of changes made to the Rural Area Formula Program by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).

The final circular becomes effective November 24, 2014. The Section 5311 Program, as amended by MAP-21, provides for expanded eligible activities and set-asides that support rural transit program such as the Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program, the Rural Transit Assistance Program, and the Tribal Transit Program. The

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HUD Promise Zone Bulletin


October 21, 2014

Upcoming Funding Resources Below you'll find a list of upcoming funding resources from varied sources.

Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth Overview and Purpose:

Following the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, the Performance Partnerships will allow states, localities, regions, and tribes to pilot better ways of improving educational, employment, and wellbeing of youth. The Performance Partnership Pilots (P3) will allow selected sites to pool a portion of discretionary funds from specified federal agencies (the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, the Corporation for National and Community Service,

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October 17, 2014 Newsletter


Community Heart & Soul™
Field Guide, available as a free download, spells out step-by-step how to inspire residents to shape the future of their communities, based on what matters most to them. Whether you are a city planner, elected official, or a resident concerned about your town's future, I hope you will take a moment to download the Field Guide and start the conversation about strengthening the social, cultural and economic vibrancy of your town.

Please join me and Director of Programs Alece Montez-Griego along with Golden, Colorado, City Manager Mike Bestor and Heart of Biddeford Executive Director Delilah Poupore for a free Heart & Soul Matters talk, Community Heart & Soul™: Building a Blueprint for Successful Small Towns, on Wednesday, Nov. 5.

Overcoming Patient Engagement Barriers: Urban And Rural Success Stories

Video highlighting successful patient engagement programs. Features the High Plains Research Network, which serves eastern rural Colorado, and describes how the network tailors its outreach to the community through the insights of the
community members involved in the network. The section on the High Plains  Research Network begins at 5:35 in the recording. Date: 09 / 2014

Family farms dominate U.S. agriculture - The United Nations has designated 2014 as the "International Year of Family Farming" to highlight the potential family farmers have to help feed the world. But what is a family farm? USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) defines family farms as those whose principal operator, and people related to the principal operator by blood or marriage, own most of the farm business. Under the ERS definition, family farms represent 97.6 percent of all U.S. farms and are responsible for 85 percent of U.S. farm production. Other definitions rely on who

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