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Suzette's Funding Letter May 29, 2015


Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP) - Application deadline: Jun 25, 2015
Offers loan repayment to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who serve as faculty at eligible health professions schools for a minimum of two years. Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce

Campbell Foundation Invites Proposals for Chesapeake Bay, Pacific Ocean Projects  - DEADLINE: June 30, 2015

Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to projects that aim to improve the conditions of the Chesapeake Bay or ocean ecosystems of the western United States....


Baseball Tomorrow Fund Invites Applications From Youth Baseball and Softball Programs  - DEADLINE: July 1, 2015

Grants will be awarded to finance a new program, expand or improve an existing program, undertake a new collaborative effort, or obtain facilities or equipment necessary for youth baseball or softball programs....


NOAA Coastal Ecosystem Resilience Grants Available - Applications are due July 2
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is making available $4 million in funding to strengthen the resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems, decrease the vulnerability of communities to extreme weather, support sustainable fisheries, and contribute to the recovery of protected resources.  A primary objective of the funding is to promote comprehensive planning efforts that address ecosystem resilience, minimize risks associated with extreme weather events, and provide for adaptation to climate change impacts such as sea level rise.  The funding also seeks to promote collaboration among stakeholders including coastal communities, local and state agencies, academic institutions, tribes, nonprofit organizations, and federal agencies.  Eligible entities include state, local, and tribal governments; nonprofits; special district governments; and small businesses. For more information, see the funding opportunity description.


Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program Grants - Application deadline: Jul 6, 2015. Provides grants to improve telemedicine services and distance learning services in rural areas through the use of telemedicine, computer networks, and related advanced technologies. Sponsor: USDA Rural Development

Rural Housing Preservation Grants (Section 533) - Application deadline: Jul 6, 2015
Grants to organizations that work to assist rural low-income homeowners and renters to repair and rehabilitate their homes. Sponsor: USDA Housing and Community Facilities Programs

Community Services Block Grant (CSBG): Learning Communities Resource Center - Application deadline: Jul 13, 2015
Funding to support a national Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Learning Communities Resource Center, designed to promote the creation of learning communities within the CSBG Network and identify effective, promising, and innovative practice models. In addition to this, the successful applicant will present a plan to create a new learning cluster focused on rural child poverty and multi-generational programs.
Sponsor: ACF Office of Community Services

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children Access to Care Grants - Application deadline: Aug 3, 2015
Offers matching grants to support community-based initiatives that provide dental homes to children whose families cannot afford dental care. Sponsor: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry


Ober|Kaler Invites Applications From Washington, D.C.-Area Organizations for Programs to Benefit Youth  - DEADLINE: August 3, 2015

Grants of up to $15,000 will be awarded to programs in Baltimore or Washington, D.C., that provide clothes, education, food, or shelter to needy youths....


Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) - Application deadline: Aug 13, 2015
Provides funding to help non-profit housing and community development organizations support housing, community facilities, and community and economic development projects in rural areas.
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development

$3 Million Available to Coal-impacted Communities under White House POWER Initiative - Funding will be available until expended or until September 30, 2015. 

The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has announced the availability of $3 million in planning assistance to communities impacted, or which may be impacted, by contractions in the coal economy. These funds are made available as part of the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative, a new interagency effort to assist communities negatively impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector. Successful applications will enable affected communities to develop detailed strategies to diversify their economies, create jobs in new or existing industries, attract new sources of job-creating investment, and/or how to provide a range of workforce services that result in industry-recognized credentials for high-quality, in-demand jobs.

For more information, please contact your EDA state representative. To apply for this funding, please follow instructions here.    Read more

Target Accepting Applications for K-12 Field Trips  - DEADLINE: September 30, 2015

Grants of up to $700 will be awarded to schools to help defray the cost of field trips for K-12 students....


Mountaineers Foundation Offers Funding for Projects to Research and Conserve Pacific Northwest Wilderness  - DEADLINE: October 1, 2015

Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to organizations and agencies working to preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Pacific Northwest....


Foundation for Rural Service Grant Program - Application deadline: Oct 1, 2015
Provides grants for rural communities in the areas of business development, community development, education, and telecommunications. Sponsor: Foundation for Rural Service


BusinessUSA's Access Financing Wizard

To help you identify what government financing programs may be available to help you start or expand your business, check out the "Access Financing" Wizard from BusinessUSA. In a few quick steps, this wizard will guide you to government resources to access financing for your business! Learn more



Newsletters and email from where I gather this information include:


v  Foundation Center RFP Service -  To subscribe or unsubscribe, or to change your e-mail address, visit: http://foundationcenter.org/newsletters/

v  To subscribe to the RAC Health Listserv - click here to go to the subscription form.

v  Electronic newsletter of the RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship, Rural Entrepreneurship NewsTo subscribe, http://team.energizingentrepreneurs.org/news2/public_html/lists/?p=subscribe  

v  Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City newsletter: http://www.kansascityfed.org/alert/

v  Blue Avocado Nonprofit Magazine - They have a newsletter on boards and nonprofit management, down-to-earth and useful.  http://www.blueavocado.org/

v  Rural LISC e-newsletter - http://www.lisc.org/rural

v  National Association for Development Organizations (NADO) – www.nado.org

v  ERS - A notification service is provided by USDA's Economic Research Service for Charts of Note and other research to keep you informed of the latest and most relevant research on the topics that interest you. You can subscribe at http://www.ers.usda.gov/Updates/

v  Department of Labor – Email Subscription Service - https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/subscriber/new?topic_id=USDOL_167

v  Orton Family Foundation – email sign-up - http://www.orton.org/sign_up

Suzette's Funding Letter, May 22, 2015

Northrop Grumman Foundation Invites Submissions for Science Lab Makeovers  - DEADLINE: June 12, 2015

Grants of up to $100,000 will be awarded to five public schools to make their dreams of a state-of-the-art science lab a reality....


FEDCO Charitable Foundation Invites Applications for K-12 Teacher Grants - DEADLINE: June 30, 2015

Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to projects that promote engaging and creative experiential learning activities related to core curriculum standards or that integrate community-related topics....


EDA and DOL Announce $35.5 Million in Funding Available for Coal-Impacted Communities; Register for May 27 Webinar on Grant Opportunities
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) and Department of Labor (DOL) announced the availability of $35.5 million in federal funding to assist communities impacted by the contractions in the coal industry and power sector.  These funds are being made available as part of the Partnership for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative.  EDA will lead this interagency initiative, which is a coordinated effort to use already appropriated funds to make a down payment on the POWER+ Plan, a suite of proposals included in the president’s fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget request to invest in coal communities, workers, and technology.  The recently released Federal Funding Opportunity for the POWER Initiative outlines implementation, evaluation, and application guidance for the up to $35.5 million in available funding from agencies including EDA, DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA), the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).

The U.S. Economic Development Administration, the National Association of Development Organizations, and the National Association of Regional Councils will host a webinar on May 27 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. ET to take a closer look at the competitive grant opportunities available through the POWER Initiative.  Click here to register for the webinar.


Drucker Institute Invites Applications for 2015 Award for Nonprofit Innovation  - DEADLINE: July 1, 2015

The award, which includes an unrestricted cash prize of $100,000, recognizes an existing program that has made a difference in the lives of the people it serves....


NOAA Announces FY 2015 Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants Program – DEADLINE: July 2, 2015

The principal objective of the National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS) Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants Program is to implement projects that use a proactive approach to improve or restore

coastal habitat to: (1) Strengthen the resilience of our marine or coastal ecosystems to decrease the vulnerability of communities to extreme weather; and (2) support sustainable fisheries and contribute

to the recovery of protected resources.

The funding opportunity announced on May 14 is one of two FFOs being administered by NOAA to build coastal resilience. The companion competition, Regional Coastal Resilience Grants Program, is being administered by NOAA's National Ocean Service to undertake activities that build resilience of coastal regions, communities, and economic sectors to the negative impacts from extreme weather events, climate hazards, and changing ocean conditions. The Regional Coastal Resilience Grants FFO is expected to be posted in May of 2015 and may be found on www.grants.gov.

Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education, non-profits, commercial (for profit) organizations, U.S. territories, and state, local and Native American tribal governments.  Applications are due by July 2.

The May 14 FEDERAL REGISTER provides full background, application requirements, and evaluation criteria for this competition.


National Alliance for Grieving Children Announces Capacity Building Grants Program  - DEADLINE: July 13, 2015

Grants of $10,000 will be awarded to twenty childhood bereavement organizations to help them operate more effectively....


Community Access to Child Health Seeks Applications for Community Pediatric Health Programs - DEADLINE: July 31, 2015

Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded in support of community-based efforts to provide children's healthcare services in underserved communities....

Renewable Energy Sector: Department of Energy Announces Funding Opportunity to Support Solar Training and Education for Professionals – DEADLINE: July 29. 2015
The Department of Energy has posted a grant opportunity on www.grants.gov, identifying $12 million to support Solar Training and Education for Professionals (STEP).  

  • These resources will support coordination among the      Solar Training Network (STN), military bases and the solar industry. This      will ensure that solar instructors are well connected to solar employers,      the STN materials are up-to-date, and veterans are connected to solar      training institutions.
  • These resources will establish new credentials in solar      operations & maintenance and mid-scale installations.  (See below      * for DOL mention regarding credentials)
  • These resources will enable solar training and education      for professionals in indirect and related fields such as real estate,      finance, insurance, fire and code enforcement, and state regulations.
  • These resources will support the expansion of the GEARED      initiative
  • Solicitation      and  Resource Webpage at https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/Default.aspx#FoaId9bd049b7-d012-4116-b197-494ad7f895dd


Patagonia Accepting Applications for Grassroots Environmental Campaigns  - DEADLINE: August 31, 2015

Grants of up to $12,000 will be awarded to small, grassroots organizations with provocative direct-action agendas aimed at preserving and protecting the environment....

HRSA: Recruitment of Sites for Assignment of Corps Personnel Obligated Under the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program
May 8, 2015 -- The Health Resources and Services Administration announces the listing of entities and associated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) scores to receive priority for assignment of National Health Service Corps (NHSC) scholarship recipients.

Suzette's Funding Letter May 15, 2015

Farmers’ Market SNAP Support Grants - Letter of Intent (Required): May 18, 2015, Application deadline: Jun 18, 2015
Awards funding to support the establishment, expansion, and promotion of SNAP/Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) services at farmers’ markets.
Sponsor: USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Seeds of Native Health - Application deadline: May 21, 2015
Supports Native American tribes and organizations working to eliminate food insecurity; promote access to fresh and healthy foods; and provide increased access to nutritional programs. Sponsor: First Nations Development Institute

DTA Foundation Seeks Applications for 2015 Oral Health Grants Program - DEADLINE: May 27, 2015

Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded in support of innovative projects designed to improve oral health care for the growing number of needy Americans....

DTA Foundation Invites Applications for Dental Lifeline Network Grant - DEADLINE: May 27, 2015

Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to innovative projects specifically related to providing access to comprehensive dentistry for individuals with disabilities or who are elderly or medically compromised....

ACCP Issues Request for Applications for Comprehensive Medication Management Studies - DEADLINE: June 1, 2015 (Letters of Intent)

A total of $2.5 million is available to fund up to two research proposals focused on the impact of CMM provided by qualified clinical pharmacists embedded in primary care practices as integral members of the healthcare team....

National Health Service Corps Recruitment and Retention Assistance Site Application - Application deadline: Jun 2, 2015
Provides recruitment and retention assistance to healthcare facilities located in a Health Professional Shortage Area.
Sponsor: National Health Service Corps

Rural Child Poverty Telehealth Network Grant Program - Application deadline: Jun 22, 2015
Awards funding to telehealth networks that integrate social and human service organizations. Networks must demonstrate how integration of social and human service organizations can expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of healthcare services for children living in impoverished rural areas.
Sponsor: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy

Society of Professional Journalist Invites Nominations for First Amendment Award - DEADLINE: June 22, 2015

The annual award honors those who have fought to protect and preserve one or more of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment with a $10,000 cash award and an engraved crystal....

Telehealth Focused Rural Health Research Center Cooperative Agreement- Application deadline: Jun 29, 2015
Awards funding to operate a telehealth focused research center which will work to assist rural health providers and governmental decision makers by increasing the amount of policy-relevant telehealth related research. Sponsor: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy

Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Grants and Guaranteed Loans - Application deadline: Jun 30, 2015. Provides financial assistance to agriculture producers and rural small businesses to purchase, install, and construct renewable energy systems. An example of a potential funded project may be the installation of solar panels for hospitals or clinics to improve energy costs.
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development

ABA Community Engagement Foundation Accepting Entries for Community Commitment Awards - DEADLINE: July 1, 2015

The awards recognize the contributions of banks of all asset sizes to the growth and vitality of their communities....

Ball Brothers Foundation Accepting Application for Cycle II Grants - DEADLINE: July 15, 2015 (Letters of Intent)

Grants of up to $100,000 will be awarded to projects that fall into one of the foundation's six broad subject areas — education, the arts, human services, community improvement/development, health, and the environment....

Innovating for the Underserved Challenge - Application deadline: Jul 22, 2015
Gives monetary awards for ideas that show how innovative technology can address access to services, childhood obesity, or connecting data between systems. Proposed innovations must show how technology and data can address challenges faced by underserved and vulnerable populations.
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Healthy Eating Research - Building the Evidence to Prevent Childhood Obesity - Letter of Intent (Required): Aug 26, 2015; Application deadline: Oct 7, 2015
Supports research on environmental and policy strategies designed to promote healthy eating among children to prevent childhood obesity, especially among groups at highest risk for obesity: Black, Latino, American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander children, and children who live in lower-income communities.
Sponsor: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Jim Meeks, PA-C, DFAAPA Memorial AFPPA Student Scholarship - Application deadline: Sep 1, 2015
Offers a scholarship to a physician assistant student who displays a commitment to family practice and rural health.
Sponsor: Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants

NCTM Invites Applications for Equity in Middle School Mathematics Grants - DEADLINE: November 6, 2015

Grants of up to $8,000 will be awarded to projects that incorporate middle school classroom materials or lessons designed to improve the achievement of student groups with previous records of underachievement in math....

Lalor Foundation Accepting Applications for Reproductive Health Programs - DEADLINE: November 1, 2015

Grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded to programs for young women who have inadequate access to information regarding sexual and reproductive health, including comprehensive and unbiased information on contraception and pregnancy termination....

Margeaux's Promise Zone Bulletin

Funding Opportunities

USDA Farmers Market Promotion   Program

The U.S.   Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) seeks   applications for projects that establish, expand, and promote direct   producer-to-consumer marketing. FMPP provides funds on a competitive

Read more ...



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